Sanitation in the Monteforte d’Alpone nursing home (Pecora)
The coronavirus is very widespread in this period, especially in the Lower and Eastern. This is the consideration that first comes to mind when looking at the data related to the infections that are registered in our province. Data that, however, also say that in the city there is a lower percentage than in many of the municipalities of the territory, certainly for more than 40 out of 98, and that the area of the province clearly more fortunate is that of the mountains.
IN THE CITY. In Verona, according to the most recent data available, which is updated to Tuesday, December 1, the positives for Coronavirus were 1,928 in total. This is the 7.42 per thousand compared to city population. A downward figure compared to the one at the end of November, which was 8.05% as a sign of a downward trend that has been developing for a few days. It must be said that in the conformation of the number of positives, the minority part was given by the guests of the retirement homes and Rsa and those hospitalized in health facilities.
OTHER MUNICIPALITIES. The municipalities with the highest number of inhabitants are not the ones that, in proportion, have the highest incidence of positives. Situation on which the presence of hospitals does not affect, since we are talking about residents. Villafranca, which with its almost 33,500 inhabitants is the most populated municipality in the province, at the beginning of December it had 336 positives, 10.5 per thousand inhabitants. The proportion of positives in Legnago, which has more than 25,600 inhabitants and registers 6.67 cases per thousand inhabitants, is well below Saint Boniface, which with more than 21,000 citizens reaches 8.27 per thousand, Bussolengo, more than 20,000 inhabitants and 9.16 per thousand, and Black, more than 17,000 inhabitants with 8.33 per thousand infected. Not to mention Saint John Lupatotor, that with almost 25,500 inhabitants it is the third municipality in the province and has less than 6 positives per thousand inhabitants.
MOST AFFECTED AREAS. The territories with the largest number of municipalities with significant effects are those of Bassa and Est. As for the first, the most striking numbers refer to Bevilacqua, which registers almost 15 per thousand with 25 positives from around 1,700 inhabitants, Salizzol, 14 per thousand with 54 positives of 3,800, Isola Rizza, 13.85 per thousand with 45 cases of 3,250 citizens, Concamarise and Minerbe, more than 11 per thousand, Sanguinetto, almost 11.
In the East, however, Illasi, with 64 positives out of 5200, it is more than 12 per thousand, Montecchia, 39 cases out of 4,344, is at 13.58, Roncà, with 47 positives, it is almost 13 per thousand, Soave it’s almost 12 o’clock Cazzanor, with 21 cases of less than 1,500 inhabitants, it exceeds 14 per thousand. Then there are other municipalities with relevant numbers Isola della Scala, 14.20 per thousand with 164 positives and 20 hospitalized, the highest number among residents after Villafranca, which is equal to 22, Mozzecane, almost 13 per thousand with 102 positives, Nogaroland, almost 14 with 51 cases, Trevenzuolo, 14 with 39 cases, and Rivoli, more than 12 per thousand.
THE MOUNTAIN. The best data is recorded in the mountains. TO Badia Calavena, for example, positives are less than 3.5 per thousand, a Brentino Belluno less than 3 per thousand and one Sant’Anna and Erbezzo just above 3. Positive records make them Selva di Progno2.23 per thousand with 2 positives out of 896 inhabitants and without hospitalization, and San Mauro di Saline, with a single case of 572 citizens, 1.75 per thousand.
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