Coronavirus, the call of the ISS: “Stay home, serious situation”


MILAN – It is essential that the population stay at home whenever possible and reduce all opportunities for contact with people away from home who are not strictly necessary. We remind you that it is mandatory to adopt rigorous individual behaviors and to respect current sanitary measures regarding the distance and correct use of masks ”. This is what is reported in the weekly monitoring report of coronavirus, to cure of Ministry of Health YFaculty of Health, relative to the week of October 12 to 18. A decisive analysis that describes the current situation in Italy in the fight for COVID-19. An important appeal coming from the ISS that seems to suggest the emergency shutdown as the only solution to take in the short term: If the epidemiological trend maintains the current rate, there is a high probability that many Regions / Autonomous Provinces will reach critical employment thresholds in a very short time ”.


ISS: “Rapidly deteriorating epidemic”

“The epidemic is worsening rapidly and in general it is compatible with a type 3 scenario with a higher rate of progression in some Italian regions. Measures are needed, with priority for the most affected areas, that favor – is still written – a drastic reduction in physical interactions between people and that can alleviate the pressure on health services, including restrictions on non-essential activities and restrictions on mobility, as well as the implementation of the other measures already provided for in the ‘Prevention and response to COVID-19: evolution of the strategy and planning in the transmission phase for the autumn-winter period ‘”.

ISS: “National Rt of 1.5”

“The evidence of rapidly increasing cases with a national Rt of 1.5 in its average value and significantly above 1 indicates a situation that is in general and very serious in the national territory with the risk of important critical problems in the short term in many Italian autonomous regions / provinces. This week, at the national level, there was a significant increase in the number of people hospitalized (7,131 vs 4,519 in the medical area, 750 vs 420 in intensive care on 10/18 and 10/11, respectively) and, consequently, the rates of employment of hospitalizations in the medical area and in intensive care, with some Autonomous Communities / Provinces higher than 10% in both areas ”.


ISS: “The workload is no longer sustainable”

“This week, outbreaks in which transmission may have occurred in the school setting are increasing even though intra-school transmission still appears limited (3.5% of all new outbreaks in which the context of transmission has been reported However, it is evident that after-school and after-school activities can be a trigger for transmission chains if the planned prevention measures are not respected. The workload is no longer sustainable in local health services with evidence the impossibility of fully tracing the transmission chains and the increase in the proportion of cases highlighted by symptoms (which for the first time this week exceeded the cases identified by contact tracing) ”.
