Coronavirus, the bands return on January 7: the regions ask to change the parameters


covid emergency

The governors have requested to calculate the incidence of positives by including antigenic tests (the so-called quick swabs) that in some Regions are carried out on a massive scale, as in Veneto

by Andrea Gagliardi

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From the governors the request arises to calculate the incidence of positives by including antigenic tests (the so-called quick swabs) that in some Regions are carried out on a massive scale, as in Veneto

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As of January 7, we will return to the colored zone system. Before the Christmas decree, which established the red zone throughout the country during holidays and the day before Epiphany, Italy was completely yellow for a few days (except for Campania and Abruzzo). After the Epiphany we will return to the “traffic lights”, a system that according to the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza “has proven to work by lowering the RT (contagion index, ed) without blocking the entire country.” And this is because the vaccination campaign that began on December 27 will still need time to have an appreciable effect on the population, since there are still no reliable figures on the advance of the epidemic on holidays (and at least two must pass before having them weeks). In this sense, it is scheduled for next week, but it has not yet been announced when the meeting of the control room for regional monitoring, which verifies the epidemiological data based on the 21 parameters, will be held. The government will make its decisions shortly after.

Document of the regions to review the parameters under examination Problem

However, it is not said that we will return to the situation before the Christmas squeeze. “We cannot exclude new red zones, it will depend on the trend of the data”, explained the Undersecretary of Health Sandra Zampa. Not only. A document arrived from the regions with the request, now examined by the ISS (Higher Institute of Health), to make some changes that could affect the 21 indicators to establish the allocation of the zones (yellow, orange, red) within the control room monitoring. These include a different method of calculating the swabs performed, which could then affect the positivity rate. In practice, the governors ask to calculate the incidence of positives by including antigen tests (so-called quick swabs) that in some regions are carried out on a massive scale, as in Veneto. Among other things, a circular from the Ministry of Health is expected, which will clarify antigen tests as adequate to diagnose positives like traditional molecular swabs.


Veneto orange risk after Epiphany

According to the data of the last monitoring of the control room, there are three Regions with an Rt greater than 1 “even at the lowest value” (Veneto and Liguria are 1.07 and Calabria 1.09), another 3 (Basilicata, Lombardia and Puglia) “exceed it in the average value”, while Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Marche “are close”. But the Veneto region is currently the highest risk in Italy. To the point that it cannot be ruled out that it will turn orange on January 7. If at the national level we are in 167 new positives per 100,000 inhabitants / week in Veneto, we are in 487 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last seven days.

Ok from government to school with 50% attendance

Regarding the other hot topic of schools, secondary schools must reopen everywhere with 50% of the maximum allowed admissions, at least until January 15, after the work done by the different prefectures in the school coordination tables -transport. All responsible ministers made an announcement in this regard for various reasons: Interior, Education and Transportation.

Unknown reopening of gyms and cinemas

It should also be remembered that in mid-January the provisions of the Dpcm (Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers) of December 3 expire. Another Dpcm will be needed to regulate the possible reopening of gymnasiums, swimming pools, cinemas, theaters, beauty centers and all activities currently closed. The possibility of returning to the gym is conditioned by a series of precautions and rules that are being re-developed. It is about the possibility of further limiting the number of accesses, but also of preventing customers from accessing the changing rooms. The recovery of cinemas and theaters is also likely to be postponed again. In this case, the problem seems to be mainly represented by the rows in the inputs. The reopening of the museums could be easier, although subject to limited entries and always with reservation to avoid crowds inside.
