Coronavirus: ten new cases in the province of Grosseto. In total 17 people in the hospital


GROSSETO – There are ten new cases of coronavirus in the province of Grosseto. There are 15 admissions to the infectious diseases department of the Misericordia hospital in Grosseto, while two people are hospitalized in intensive care.

Here is the detail, Municipality by Municipality:

Surveillance Municipality Castel Del Piano:
Home isolation of a 42-year-old woman, symptomatic
Surveillance Municipality Follonica:
Home isolation of a 16-year-old girl, case contact, symptomatic
Surveillance Municipality Grosseto:
78-year-old man Hospitalized Extra-Usl
Surveillance Municipality Massa Marittima:
Home isolation of a 45-year-old woman
Surveillance Municipality Mount Argentario:
Home isolation of a 61-year-old woman
65-year-old home isolation
Surveillance Municipality Orbetello:
31-year-old man home isolation, case contact
32-year-old man home isolation, case contact
Home isolation of a 58-year-old woman, case contact
Surveillance Municipality Sorano:
Home isolation of a 25-year-old woman

The situation in the southeast of Tuscany ASL – The situation from 2:00 p.m. on October 19 to 2:00 p.m. on October 20, 2020 related to the spread of COVID, highlights 128 new cases in the southeast of Tuscany ASL , of which 77 in the province of Arezzo, 10 in the province of Grosseto, 41 in the province of Siena.

PROVINCE OF AREZZO (77 new cases)
Arezzo surveillance municipality:
Isolation at home of 9 year old girl
Home isolation of a 20-year-old woman
30 year old man in isolation at home
Home isolation of a 56-year-old woman
Home insulation for 3 year olds
Home isolation of a 7-year-old girl, case contact
Home isolation of a 9-year-old girl, case contact
Home isolation of a 9-year-old girl, case contact
17-year-old girl isolation at home
Home isolation of a 19-year-old man
Home isolation of a 19-year-old man
25 year old man in isolation at home
Home isolation of a 37-year-old woman, case contact
Home isolation of a 38-year-old woman
Home isolation of a 48-year-old woman
53-year-old woman home isolation, case contact
Home isolation of a 55-year-old woman
Home isolation of a 63-year-old woman, case contact
66-year-old man in home isolation
Home isolation of a 72-year-old woman
54-year-old man hospitalized
72-year-old man hospitalized, asymptomatic
79-year-old man hospitalized
24-year-old woman Residential Structure
27-year-old man Residential Structure
29-year-old man Residential structure
46-year-old man Residential Structure
53-year-old man Residential Structure
53-year-old man Residential Structure
54-year-old man Residential Structure
61-year-old woman Residential Structure
72-year-old man Residential Structure
Bucina surveillance municipality:
24-year-old man home isolation, case contact
84-year-old man in home isolation
Capolona surveillance municipality:
Isolation at home of 9 year old girl
Home isolation of a 27-year-old woman, case contact
Home isolation of a 38-year-old woman
Home isolation of a 54-year-old woman, case contact
Home isolation of a 56-year-old man, case contact
Surveillance municipality of Castelfranco Piandiscò:
36-year-old woman in home isolation, asymptomatic
Isolation at home of 14 year old girl
Surveillance Municipality of Castiglion Fiorentino:
25-year-old woman home isolation, contact case, asymptomatic
72-year-old man in home isolation, symptomatic
Home isolation of a 74-year-old woman, symptomatic
Home isolation of a 26-year-old man
Cavriglia surveillance municipality:
Isolation at home for 2 year olds
Cortona Surveillance Municipality:
46-year-old man in home isolation, asymptomatic
Home isolation of a 72-year-old man
64-year-old man in home isolation, symptomatic
Surveillance Municipality Foiano Della Chiana:
Home isolation of a 29-year-old woman, symptomatic
Loro Ciuffenna surveillance municipality:
Home isolation of a 10-year-old girl, asymptomatic
Marciano Della Chiana surveillance municipality:
Home isolation of the 6-year-old child, contact case, asymptomatic
52-year-old man in home isolation
Monte San Savino surveillance municipality:
Home isolation of an 11-year-old boy, case contact
Montevarchi surveillance municipality:
Home isolation of an 8-year-old girl, contact case, asymptomatic
12-year-old boy, isolation at home
48-year-old male, home isolation, contact case, asymptomatic
55-year-old woman home isolation, contact case, asymptomatic
74-year-old woman home isolation, case contact
Home isolation of a 33-year-old woman
Home isolation of a 42-year-old woman, case contact
45-year-old man home isolation, case contact
50-year-old man in home isolation, asymptomatic
71-year-old woman, home isolation, contact case, asymptomatic
Home isolation of a 76-year-old man, case contact
Home isolation of an 89-year-old woman
Surveillance municipality Ortignano Raggiolo:
92-year-old man in home isolation
Surveillance municipality of San Giovanni Valdarno:
Home isolation of a 55-year-old man
Home isolation of an 18-year-old woman
Home isolation of a 56-year-old woman
33-year-old woman Hospitalization, contact case
Sansepolcro surveillance municipality:
Home isolation of a 14-year-old girl, case contact
Home isolation of a 62-year-old woman
Subbiano surveillance municipality:
Home isolation of a 63-year-old woman, case contact
16-year-old girl isolation at home
49-year-old man in home isolation
Terranuova Bracciolini surveillance municipality:
Home isolation of 44-year-old woman, case contact
PROVINCE OF ASL EXTRA (3 new cases):
43-year-old woman Transfer to Another Territory, symptomatic
44-year-old man in home isolation
30-year-old man transferred to another territory

PROVINCE OF SIENA (41 new cases)
Asciano Surveillance Municipality:
Home isolation of a 58-year-old woman
39-year-old woman home isolation, case contact, paucisymptomatic
Home isolation of a 46-year-old woman, contact case, symptomatic
Home isolation of a 47-year-old woman, contact case, symptomatic
Home isolation of a 61-year-old woman, contact case, symptomatic
Castelnuovo Berardenga surveillance municipality:
67-year-old man in home isolation
Cetona Surveillance Municipality:
Home isolation of a 29-year-old woman
Surveillance municipality of Colle Di Val D’Elsa:
30-year-old man in home isolation, symptomatic
Home isolation of a 35-year-old woman
16 year old boy isolation at home
Montalcino surveillance municipality:
Home isolation of a 4-year-old girl, contact case, asymptomatic
37-year-old woman home isolation, case contact, asymptomatic
Montepulciano surveillance municipality:
Home isolation of a 35-year-old man
44-year-old man in home isolation
Monteriggioni surveillance municipality:
Isolation at home for 4 year olds
Home isolation of a 53-year-old woman
59-year-old woman home isolation, contact case, symptomatic
Monteroni D’Arbia surveillance municipality:
Home isolation of a 45-year-old woman
Surveillance Municipality of Murlo:
39-year-old woman in home isolation, asymptomatic
Radda In Chianti Surveillance Municipality:
24-year-old man in home isolation, symptomatic
Radicofani surveillance municipality:
49-year-old woman, home isolation, case contact, paucisymptomatic
San Quirico D’Orcia surveillance municipality:
83-year-old man home isolation, contact case, symptomatic
Siena municipality surveillance: 46-year-old man in home isolation
A 50-year-old man in home isolation, asymptomatic, returned from
52-year-old man in home isolation
11-year-old boy in home isolation, contact case, asymptomatic
11-year-old boy in home isolation, contact case, asymptomatic
Home isolation of a 13-year-old girl, case contact
Home isolation of a 13-year-old girl, case contact
Home isolation of a 13-year-old girl, case contact
Home isolation of a 13-year-old boy, case contact
13-year-old boy in home isolation, contact case, asymptomatic
13-year-old boy in home isolation, contact case, asymptomatic
14-year-old boy in home isolation, contact case, asymptomatic
23-year-old woman, home isolation, case contact, asymptomatic
51-year-old woman home isolation, contact case, asymptomatic
57-year-old woman in home isolation, asymptomatic
57-year-old man Extra-Usl hospitalization
94-year-old man Extra-Usl hospitalization
Surveillance municipality of Torrita Di Siena:
72-year-old man home isolation, case contact
80-year-old man in home isolation, contact case.

The Prevention Department in consideration of the cases that have arisen in recent days in the provinces of Arezzo, Grosseto and Siena has intensified the activity of tracing close contacts.

This activity has highlighted, so far, 65 contacts for the Arezzo cases, 1 contact for the Grosseto cases, 118 contacts for the Siena cases who have already been immediately placed in solitary confinement.

At this time, 4,971 people from the Local Health Authority of the Southeast of Tuscany are already in home isolation, either because of a known case contact or because they come from other countries.
The positives in charge are 1,925 at home, 20 in Intermediate Care centers and 13 in a health hotel.

There are also 65 people who tested weak positive on the first swab and are waiting for the second that might confirm positivity or not: 41 are from Arezzo, 1 extra ASL, 14 from Grosseto and 9 from Siena.

In addition, there are 15 hospitalized for infectious diseases and 2 in intensive care at the Misericordia hospital in Grosseto, 51 in infectious diseases and 6 in intensive care at the San Donato hospital in Arezzo. Case identification and contact tracing was possible by performing 2,944 swabs.
