Coronavirus takes Finance students prisoner in Bari: 6 infected recruits


BARI – Covid also enters the Allievi Legion of the Guardia di Finanza. In fact, six recruits in training at the Viale Europa headquarters (in Bari there is, among other things, the command of the training and specialization school for financiers), belonging to three of the five companies in the capital, tested positive in Sars -Cov-2 (attended by a total of 720 students). After returning from vacation, some soldiers showed mild symptoms. Once the infection was verified, they were isolated. Among the patients there are also asymptomatic, a detail that does not exclude a spread of the contagion, even more so after the oath to start the course carried out yesterday by 43 students (the ceremony, however, was reported to have been carried out with all preventive precautions). ). Tracing procedures continue: those who came into contact with the infected were transferred to specially equipped rooms, but in reality the quarantine involves 423 students, even though strict protocol measures suggest that the spread of the disease may have been contained (It is always that there are no gatherings in the barracks, that the simultaneous presence of people in the rooms is limited, even in the classrooms where the lessons are taught). The origin of the outbreak dates back to recent days, when a paucisymptomatic finance student from Sicily subjected to a swab was diagnosed with the disease.

SPEED Certainly, the increase in the province of Bari continues. Also yesterday, the regional epidemiological bulletin reported 25 registered cases (20 close contacts of cases already known and under surveillance, 2 returns from Albania, 2 from Sardinia and 1 from Calabria), to which one death was added. Therefore, the updated balance sheet is 1,989 infected in the Bari area. Considering the cured, the current balance is 519 infected, of which more than half (266) in the capital. But it is the partial number of recently found cases that is striking: from August 24 to September 3 (11 days) there are 348 certified cases, 17.4 percent of the general count. In a situation that (as can be understood in the other article of the statements of Professor Pierluigi Lopalco, head of the regional working group) is similar to the Lombard context of February, except that in the meantime a response to the epidemic has been organized that contains both the spread are, above all, the harmful effects in terms of deaths and rigidity of the system. All the more reason in full resurgence, health authorities are on alert on all fronts to urge prevention, trace contacts (not surprisingly there are 1,700 people in isolation) and guarantee assistance and care to patients.

POLYCLINIC In the Polyclinic, the Covid hospital of the province (the Miulli of Acquaviva are also on the network and, if necessary, the Anthea of ​​Bari) are prepared for any eventuality. At the moment the situation is under control, but the figures are decidedly different from those of a few weeks ago: hospitalized patients have risen to 72 (70 in the Polyclinic and 2 in the Giovanni XXIII Pediatric Hospital) with 6 patients in intensive care and 8 in respiratory intensive care. Therefore, what is foreseen in the regional plan is taking place: possibly gradually increasing the dedicated places, a reorganization that, unlike the past, should not penalize ordinary activity, although with some collateral discomfort (such as that described by a reader in yesterday’s edition of the Gazzetta).

“We can no longer afford to suspend non-urgent health services as happened during the emergency – General Director Giovanni Migliore reiterates to our newspaper – and we must also consider the needs of other patients suffering from other pathologies who have a point of focus at the Bari Polyclinic. reference. Thanks to the know-how and experience we have acquired, we have created a new organization to face the second phase of the pandemic that allows us to keep the Asclepios operational block active and respond to the care and care needs of patients with complex diseases. and at the same time helping Covid patients in separate and isolated areas from the rest of the hospital.
