The new DPCM was launched yesterday that contains restrictive measures to deal with the coronavirus emergency. “We cannot waste time – said Prime Minister Conte yesterday during the press conference presenting the DPCM – we must act by putting in place all the necessary measures to avoid a new generalized blockade: the country cannot afford it, it would end up compromising the Recovery”. economic “.
The first cycle continues to be didactic in the presence
Conte illustrated the contents of the DPCM referring to the school world, anticipating that the activities in the presence of Children, Primary and Secondary will remain in presence, “they are a fundamental asset of the country,” he explained.
Interventions on superiors if the situation requires it
The Dpcm specifies that local authorities can communicate to the Ministry of Education “critical situations and of particular risk referred to specific territorial contexts” and in relation to them request that secondary schools can adopt “flexible forms in the organization of the activity “. didactics, increasing the use of integrated digital teaching ”. For secondary schools, Conte said, flexible methods of organizing instruction will also benefit with admission from 9 a.m.
The text of the part related to the school.
“However, the didactic and educational activity for the first educational cycle and for the educational services for children continues to be developed in the presence, to counteract the spread of the infection, prior communication of the regional authorities to the Ministry of Education, critical situations and related particular risks With specific territorial contexts, secondary education institutions adopt flexible forms in the organization of teaching activities in accordance with articles 4 and 5 of the decree of the President of the Republic of March 8, 1999 n. 275, increasing the use of integrated digital teaching, which continues to be complementary to face-to-face teaching, further modulating the management of students’ entry and exit times, also through the possible use of afternoon shifts and whenever the entrance in any case it is not carried out before 9:00 am. In order to ensure the proportionality and adequacy of the measures adopted, the periodic holding of regional and local coordination meetings provided for in the Document for the planning of school, educational and training activities in all Institutions of the National Educational System is promoted. . 2020/2021 school year“
Effective October 21
The measures contained in the DPCM will be valid until November 13. The rules go into effect today, October 19. The exceptions are the rules that strengthen distance learning and the staggered schedule in high school, allowing double shifts and establishing admission to school for high school students no earlier than 9: this provision will apply as of Wednesday 21 of October.