Coronavirus, discovered new strange symptoms with which it occurs: how to recognize them
Experts have noted that some people have symptoms other than those known to date. They also occur in the absence of fever, cough, and other already known signs.
Coronavirus, new unexplained symptoms alarm doctors
Fever, cough and respiratory problems are the main ones. Coronavirus symptoms. Along with these there are other less frequent, but still known, such as headaches, chills, conjunctivitis, loss of taste and smell, diarrhea, nausea, etc.
Now new symptoms are emerging, which the doctors did not know before. Covid-19 can also manifest with signs on the skin, even in the absence of other problems. This was revealed by a study in the British Journal of Medicine that talks about unusual symptoms including red-purple lesions, skin rashes, maculopapular rashes, hives and chilblains lesions.
The experts observed chilblain-like red-purple lesions in 19% of the cases. They explained that these symptoms would last 12.7 days on average. They would be associated with mild forms of the disease and would be more common in young patients.
In 9% of cases, rashes were detected. These symptoms would occur mainly in middle-aged patients and have been observed in the case of diseases of intermediate severity. They would last 10.4 days on average.
In 19% of cases, urticaria lesions with an average duration of 6.8 days were observed. Maculopapular eruptions around hair follicles were found in 47% of patients. However, this symptom would only manifest itself in severe patients.
Among the signs of coronavirus on the skin there are also chilblains. Recently a lot has been said about this symptom that would occur mainly in children and adolescents. There is not yet a study that demonstrates with certainty an association between these symptoms and Covid-19. Serological tests, which will show whether people who have never used hyssop have had the virus, can shed light on whether symptoms occurred at the time of infection.
Coronavirus, all symptoms: from the most common and common to the rarest
Coronavirus can manifest with various symptoms.
The main ones are:
- fever above 37.5 (which often has difficulty falling)
- dry, persistent, irritating and phlegm-free cough
- difficulty breathing, shortness of breath
The disease can manifest itself with other alarm bells:
- fatigue
- sore throat
- headache
- cold
- sputum production
- nasal congestion
- conjunctival congestion
- coughing up blood
- myalgia or arthralgia
- Diarrhea
- nausea or vomiting
Coronavirus, respiratory symptoms: “Air hunger, dyspnea, increased heart rate”
“The range of flu symptomatology includes respiratory symptoms such as a runny nose or sore throat, systemic symptoms such as pain, and finally fever,” explained Fabrizio Pregliasco, a virologist at the University of Milan, speaking about the alarm bells . seasonal flu
“In the case of Covid-19, the doctor continued, it may happen that after a completely similar initial phase, a very strong respiratory syndrome related to bilateral interstitial pneumonia appears.” The expert then specified what the respiratory symptoms are due to the coronavirus. “The symptoms are air hunger (dyspnea), wheezing, and an increased heart rate.”
Sometimes people who develop these symptoms “have clinical conditions that require intensive care hospitalization requiring ventilation for several days to support their ability to breathe.”
Coronavirus symptoms: watch out for eye diseases
Covid-19 usually presents with fever, cough, and shortness of breath. However, the disease can also occur with other alarm bells consisting of loss of smell and taste. Sometimes the virus also causes eye problems. This is what it is.
Coronavirus, red eyes and conjunctivitis.
According to scientists, eye symptoms can also be included among Covid-19 symptoms. Among these, in particular, inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eyeballs. Three investigations conducted on positive Chinese patients found that several patients had conjunctivitis and red eyes. The Sars-Cov-2 virus was also present in the secretions of the eyes themselves. Some experts believe that contagion can also occur through tears.
For now, the WHO has not yet mentioned, among the symptoms of coronavirus, loss of smell or conjunctivitis. However, experts are inclined to this thesis, even if these signs occur only in rare and generally serious cases.
Coronavirus, two symptoms that should not be underestimated: loss of smell and taste
Hendrik Streeck, a Bonn virologist who follows tests in the city of North Rhine-Westphalia, Heinsberg, where an outbreak is currently concentrated in Germany, has found two particular symptoms in two-thirds of patients who tested positive for coronavirus, according to Corriere della Noche reported. It is about loss of taste and smell.
“Of almost all the infected people we interviewed (about a hundred), at least two-thirds reported having lost their sense of smell and taste for several days. This absence is so strong that a mother could not smell the smell of the dirty diaper. of their baby. Others no longer smelled their shampoo and the food was beginning to know nothing. We still cannot say exactly when these symptoms appear, but they arise immediately after infection. “
Coronavirus, diarrhea among symptoms: found in 30% of infected people
Among the alarms there would also be diarrhea, which is found in 30% of patients.
“The gastrointestinal tract can be attacked even if we don’t know for sure. What we do know is that the virus enters its host cell through the ACE-2 receptor: many tissue cells have this receptor and therefore could be attacked, “explains the expert.
The signals announced by the German virologist Hendrik Streeck were confirmed by the infectious diseases specialist at the University of Milan and head of infectious diseases at the Sacco Hospital, Massimo Galli.
“In our patients we frequently see symptoms of anosmia (altered sense of smell, ed) and dysgeusia (altered taste, ed), even in mild and moderate cases. Scientific observational data on this aspect are not yet available, I’m talking about personal and team observations. Loss of taste and smell may appear in other respiratory tract infections as well, but in Covid-19 it would appear more frequent and severe. “