Coronavirus, Speranza signs ordinance: Abruzzo, Umbria, Basilicata, Liguria and Tuscany in the orange zone. South tyrol towards the blockade


The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, will sign an order in the afternoon that, based on the data processed by the control room, foresees the passage in the orange zone of 5 Regions: Abruzzo, Basilicata. Liguria, Tuscany me Umbria starting Wednesday, November 11. The news was announced by the governor of Abruzzo, Marco Marsilio. (Fdi). Campania, at least for the moment, should remain in the yellow zone.

Hope to the Regions: “Stop the controversy. Without interventions the health personnel will not hold out.” Conte: “We do not slap”

by Alberto Custodero

Rezza: “The worsening situation justifies the adoption of restrictive measures”

“The epidemiological situation of Covid-19 continues to worsen with an Rt of 1.7. We have more than 500 cases per 100,000 inhabitants and almost all Italian regions are highly affected.” This was stated by the Director of Prevention of the Ministry of Health, Gianni rezza, highlighting “that there is an increase in hospitalizations especially in intensive care”. “This situation -explains- justifies new more restrictive measures, especially in the most affected regions and of course due to prudent behavior on the part of all citizens.”

Protest of the regions

Covid, Hope: “It is the regions that provide data, they do not ignore gravity.” Government briefing to the Chamber tomorrow

by Alberto Custodero

Alto Adige prepares for the confinement, tomorrow the decision

Tomorrow morning, the provincial government of South Tyrol will ratify the establishment of a new blockade that will last at least three weeks. A strong decision but at this point inevitable after the worrying situation of both infections and hospital admissions. Alto Adige, starting on Wednesday, will start a confinement very similar to the one that was in force in March and April. According to the Agency for Regional Health Services (Agenas), in South Tyrol the patient capacity is 99% in the departments of general medicine, infectious diseases and pulmonology. To date, the number of covid patients hospitalized in the seven hospitals in the South Tyrol area is 320. In Bolzano, the intensive care unit has doubled the threshold limit from 30% to 61% (41 hospitalized ). The Councilor for Health will propose the closure Thomas widmann while the director general of the ASL of South Tyrol Florian Zerzer he spoke of a “situation close to collapse”.
