Coronavirus, Spadafora: “De Luca in Campania has failed.” It’s a storm with the Democratic Party and the Region


“I would invite De Luca to take care of the Campania health system.” The Minister of Sports, Vincenzo Spadafora, in L’aria che tira su La7 thus responds to questions about the recent statements by the Governor of Campania who ironic about the sentence of the sports judge in relation to the Juve-Napoli case. “I’m very worried. It was very easy for De Luca to close, now that he has to reopen safely … Did it fail? It seems obvious to me.”

The response of the secretary of the Democratic Party, Nicola Zingaretti, comes immediately: «Spadafora thinks about sport and do not give notebooks to the presidents of the Region. It has no title. The government ministers at this time must work for the cohesion and unity of the country and not get lost in stupid and provocative polemics.

READ ALSO Minister Spadafora shocked: “I don’t know if Serie A will end”

“We read vulgar and offensive statements from a certain Spadafora, Minister of Sport, who has offended all health personnel in Campania and has shown total ignorance,” says the vice president of the Campania Region. Fulvio Bonavitacola on the statements of Minister Vincenzo Spadafora on the management of Covid19 by the Campania region. “Given – adds Bonavitacola – that a month ago, not a century ago, the citizens of Campania expressed their opinion both on the regional government, as on Spadafora and associates, given that whoever approves contradictory private protocols should resign as Minister of Sport With the State health regulations, it seems appropriate, in short, to invite you to a public debate on the topics you mentioned: health and transportation, in order to publicly demonstrate the level of assinism that an exponent of this government can achieve. We are waiting – concludes the vice-president of the Campania board – give us an appointment shortly ».


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