BOLZANO. New ordinance on the horizon in South Tyrol, where President Arno Kompatscher found it more useful and effective to maintain homogeneity of measures during the Christmas holiday period. From December 24 to January 6therefore, there is no alternation between “red zone” and “orange” but unit rules. Bars, shops and restaurants will always be closed, but greater freedom of movement will be guaranteed compared to the rest of Italy..
“It is important that the number of infected people remains at low levels, even better that it is further reduced – said the president of the Province – in South Tyrol, however, unlike state regulations at the national level, we intend to establish the same rules for the entire Christmas period“. For this, the signing an order, probably posted on Monday, December 21.
The closure measures affect shops, bars and restaurants. To avoid large crowds of people, only stores with daily use products, therefore food, pharmacies and tobacconists, as well as hairdressers, may remain open. Bars and restaurants, for their part, may only offer takeout or home delivery services. the Hotels, on the other hand, they can remain open, as long as the services can only be used by clients who stay overnight.
In freedom of movement during the day, Kompastcher added: “We want to allow healthy freedom of movement and therefore people should be able to move freely within the provincial borders during the holiday season. It is important to move outdoors, take a trip and be able to enjoy the winter landscape, because it is good for the body and the spirit, of course always complying with the current safety and hygiene regulations.”.
While on the move self-certification will not be required, which will instead be applied to night hours. In this case, the curfew rules continue to apply between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m., with the possibility of traveling solely for work, health and necessity reasons.
As anticipated by the Province, at Christmas it will be possible to celebrate only in the closest family environment. Therefore, parents and partners are also allowed. “In any case, they should not be large parties in the private sphere, to avoid contagion. Therefore, there will be some limitations, ”announced Landeshauptmann. The provisions relating to the number of people admitted to parties who do not live together will be similar to the national ones. However, all the details in this regard will be clarified on Monday, December 21.
The ordinance, however, will refer to the specific article of the law introduced in budget law recently approved by the Provincial Council.
“We focus on the responsibility and maturity of the South Tyrolese – finally exhorted Kompatscher, inviting to respect the rules – we protect ourselves and others at Christmas ”.