Campania me Tuscany to him Red zone, while the Regions orange will rise to new with the addition of Emilia romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia me Market. The news comes from sources within the Control room-Iss, which includes the Ministry of Health, the Higher Institute of Health and the Regions. Based on the new follow-up of the virus and ai 21 parameters epidemiological studies conducted by experts, areas considered high risk and a maximum risk.
However, a final decision has yet to be made: the control room, which at the time was discontinued leave the floor to the Technical-Scientific Committee – it is evaluating the hypothesis that Emilia-Romagna and Friuli-Venezia Giulia do the skip from yellow to red. The data is being examined by the CTS, then the minister Roberto Speranza will sign the ordinance with the new provisions in agreement with all interested governors. In practice, with 16 red or orange regions, they will remain yellow alone Lazio, Molise, Province of Trento, Sardinia me Veneto.
Conte: “Scientific method” – Restrictions to combat coronavirus continue to follow mechanism of the areas, also defended today by the prime minister Giuseppe Conte, during a CGIL event: “It is based on a scientific method”Unique in Europe. “I trust that theNational route, which reached 1.7 in recent days, has fallen effect of measures adopted. “If confirmed, he adds,” it would mean that the dpcm begins to give the first results, an encouragement to follow this brave wayThe hope is that “the contagion plateau, the maximum threshold, has been reached and now the flattening begins ”. Conte however warned: “The month of November will be dedicated to this, to contain the contagion curve, but this does not mean that a December there will be one liberating catharsis “. The executive’s goal remains to avoid a total lock, “Limiting i economic damage and not penalize the territories that do not deserve it ”.
Local ordinances – Meanwhile, from north to south, the restrictive measures released independently by governors and by mayors to further limit infections. After the common ordinance launched by Zaia, Bonaccini and Fedriga, which provides for the closure of shops on Sundays, the ban on walk in historic centers and new restrictions on shopping centers. It was also discussed in Campania, but now the decision of the red zone for the entire region eliminates the hypothesis of selective closures. In Lazio instead, which remains yellow, the Region is ready for new ordinances to regulate access in the streets of the capital and they close the days before holidays and bank holidays i maxi tent from at least 2,500 square meters. “There is an extraordinary effort that Prefect of rome and the police will be involved. There will be a technical initiative coordinated by the Rome police chief capable of power check flows. In addition, we are issuing an ordinance to ensure that large commercial areas, like Ikea, to remain closed on Sunday ”, declared the Minister of Health of the Lazio Region Alessio D’Amato to the microphones of Radio Capital. The ordinance currently under study also provides for the closure of non-food markets on holidays and strict compliance with anti-Covid measures is reiterated in the structures that will remain open.