Ministers Speranza and Boccia are thinking of changing the criteria for RT to launch new restrictions: Calabria Risks, but Sicilia does
It was not enough for Italians to spend the Christmas and New Year holidays in the red light district, the government and the Scientific technical committee I am working to release the new grip as of January 7th. The second wave of infections does not show signs of respite, so the heads of delegation will meet again to study a “reinforced” yellow zone that will be triggered after the Epiphany, or when the terms of the Christmas Dpcm expire. According to reports The RepublicAt this moment there are two hypotheses under consideration: modify the RT criteria, to be able to decree regional orange and red zones with even fewer emergency numbers, or introduce new restrictions to establish red zones on weekends throughout the Italian territory. It would mean closing bars, restaurants, shops, shopping centers, as well as prohibiting non-essential movements on Saturdays and Sundays.
And ministers Roberto Speranza me Francesco Boccia, supported by the head of delegation of the Democratic Party Dario Franceschini, are willing to promote the new intervention together, without waiting for the expiration of the current Dpcm (January 15), but proceeding with a bridging ordinance (with regard to the RT mechanism) that is then absorbed into a decree. The idea would be to activate the orange and red areas with thresholds lower than theRt when the incidence of cases in the population – calculated taking into account the last two weeks – is higher than a certain level, yet to be set: certainly, however, higher than the current threshold of “tranquility” set at 50 cases out of 100 thousand ( that today all the Regions widely surpass). But at what level of RT would the closures activate? Today the orange zone starts from 1.25, the red from 1.5, but with the new criteria they would become 1 and 1.25 respectively (thus decreasing by 0.25).
If so, according to data from last Wednesday they would immediately end in orange zone at least three Regions (Calabria, Liguria me Veneto) – and projected towards the red level in subsequent monitoring – three more would be in the balance because they exceed 1 (Basilicata, Lombardy me Apulia) and another three would apply restrictions with the data for next week, which is already a little below the threshold of 1 (Emilia romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Market). Therefore, excluding the Sicily, but there is still talk of a good part of Italy where bars and restaurants would be closed, travel between municipalities prohibited.
Then there is the other cartridge available to the executive: the idea of strengthening the national yellow zone. The holiday model will be borrowed by setting a national red zone for holidays and the day before for a month (until the first week of February). Therefore, shops closed, restaurants, bars, traffic prohibited except for justified reasons. An effort that would also serve to speed up the bad start of the vaccination campaign, too slow in this first week. For the vaccine to take effect, we will have to wait several more months, hospitals need support to support the pandemic, but certainly the Coronavirus he does not stop waiting for the government to make a decision.