Coronavirus, Sicily towards the “orange” zone and the stop to travel between municipalities


The new Dpcm with the “soft” blockade of the regions was signed by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. The announcement occurred after midnight (it was scheduled for yesterday but the comparison with the Regions was longer than expected ed), but the text has not yet been published in the Official Gazette: it will come into effect tomorrow, November 5, and will run until December 3. A new turn of the screw in light of the alarming figures of the pandemic. Only yesterday 28,244 new cases of coronavirus and 353 victims throughout Italy.

From November 5 to December 3, Italy will be divided into three areas: red (high risk), orange (intermediate) and green (safe) zones. Each color has different rules and prohibitions. In the next few hours, the regions of each band will be indicated: Sicily in all probability should be placed in the middle: orange.

In Red zone They should be Lombardy, Piedmont, Calabria, Alto Adige and Valle d’Aosta. Campania in balance. Zone orange Puglia, Sicily, Liguria and probably the Veneto. All others are green areas.

Inclusion in the bands will be carried out with an ordinance of the Ministry of Health. The ministry will review the situation weekly and issue ordinances every 15 days. The Regions requested that the epidemiological risk assessment be carried out in collaboration with the regional prevention departments. And the government has promised “participation.” However, the classification is bound to generate controversy.

Red zones

Entry ban: “Any movement in and out of the territories, as well as within the same territories, except motivated movements is prohibited.” It will be possible to enter and leave a red zone only for work, health or emergency reasons that must be justified through the self-certification form.

Closing of shops, except food, tobacconists, kiosks, pharmacies and parapharmacies. Contrary to what was written in the draft yesterday, hairdressers, barbers and beauticians remain open.

All school activities are carried out remotely, but there is still the possibility of holding workshops and other specific school activities.

All sports activities are suspended, but motor activity is allowed.

In the red areas, all restrictions also apply in the orange and green areas.

Orange areas

They are those “characterized by a scenario of high severity and a high level of risk”.

“Any movement in and out of the territories is prohibited, except motivated movements”; The necessary movements are allowed to guarantee face-to-face teaching.

Any movement by means of public or private transport in a municipality other than that of residence, domicile or domicile is prohibited ”.

“Bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors and patisseries are closed, with the exception of dining rooms and catering. Only catering with home delivery is allowed” and “catering to take away until 10pm, with prohibition of consumption in place or in adjacency “.

In the orange (or yellow) zones, the restrictions in the green ones also apply.

Green areas

Curfew at 10pm.

National, regional and provincial buses and means of transport have a capacity of 50%.

Distance education is provided for all secondary schools; In elementary and middle schools, face-to-face activities are provided with a mask.

Bars close at 6pm, cinemas, exhibitions and museums are closed, all competitions are suspended, and shopping centers are closed on weekends.

Rules valid for everyone

Museums, exhibitions and places of culture will be closed

On holidays and days prior to holidays, medium and large sales structures are closed, as well as commercial establishments within shopping centers and markets, with the exception of pharmacies, parapharmacies, health centers, food outlets, tobacconists and kiosks .

100% distance learning for high school. Public and private training courses can only be run remotely

Reduction of the public transport capacity limit to 50%, excluding dedicated school transport

From 10 p.m. to 5 a.m., only trips motivated by proven work needs, situations of need or health reasons are allowed

Gambling and betting corners close wherever they are.

Suspension of pre-selection and written tests for public and private competitions and qualification for the exercise of professions, except in cases in which the evaluation of candidates is carried out exclusively in a curricular or electronic form.

Cruise services on Italian-flagged passenger ships are suspended.

In the public administration, the highest possible percentages of agile work must be ensured.

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Source Today.
