The Rt index in Sardinia is at 1, in the official report of the ISS that runs from November 2 to the orchard. In the penultimate follow-up it was 1.24. A strong decrease, therefore, in an Italy where the average share is 1.43. This is why the island continues to stay in the yellow zone, therefore with the “lighter” restrictions, but that absolutely must be continued to lower the contagion curve. In Italy, experts point out, the epidemic, although it is intensifying due to severity due to a greater impact onssistential, shows a slight reduction in transmissibility compared to the previous week that, although astill very high, it could be an early sign of the impact of mitigation measures and inIntroduced nationally and regionally as of October 14, 2020.
This trend will be confirmed in pfew weeks and should not lead to a relaxation of measurements or a reduction inAttention to behavior. No.In most of the national territory, transmissibility is compatible with a type 3 scenario with da decrease in the number of Regions / APs in which the transmission speed is already compatible with a scenario 4. LThe situation described in this report highlights strong criticalities of local services and the achievement of acurrent, in a growing number of Regions / PAs, or imminent critical thresholds for service occupancy orchargers. This affects the entire national territory. All protected regions / areas are classified at high risk of an uncontrolled and unmanageable epidemic in terratory or moderate risk with a high probability of progressing to high risk in the next few weeks.
In general, maintaining the high quality of the data reported is critical. to the integrated surveillance system both for punctuality (delay in the notification of cases notified tol surveillance system on aggregated data coordinated by the Ministry of Health) and for cI complete it. The epidemiological data analyzed correspond to the week 2-8 November 2020 cIt is currently the most recent consolidated data available. By itself, this constitutes un one more proof of the generalized criticality of resilience spread throughout the national territory and due to the seriousness of the epidemiological situation. As a consequence, this can lead to an underestimation of the transmission speed and incidence. The data related to the use of PL used to calculate indicators 3.8 and 3.9 this secondettimana was updated to November 11, 2020 and is the most up-to-date data available. QThis week there is a further decrease in the percentage of cases detected through acontact follow-up activity (16.7% versus 19.5% the previous week). It is observed, in addition, a slight decrease in the percentage of cases detected by the appearance of symptoms (32.1% vs 35.1% the previous week) and an increase in the percentage of detected casesthrough screening activities (33.6% versus 27.4% the previous week). Now it’s not trascurabile (17.7%) the percentage of cases for which the reason for din the diagnostic evaluation. C.The number of cases not attributable to known transmission chains continues to increase (87,202 this week versus 74,967 the week before), which exceeds 80% of new cases sidentified in some Regions / AP.
Among the conclusions of the ISS we can also read that it is confirmed that a drastic reduction in physical interactions between people is necessary to alleviate the pressure on health services. It is essential that the population avoid all occasions of contact with people outside their own home that are not strictly necessary and that they stay at home as long as possible. We remind you that it is mandatory to adopt behaviors
strict individuality and respect the current sanitary measures regarding the spacing and correct use of masks. The need to comply with the measures recommended by the
health authorities including quarantine measures for close contacts in established cases and for the isolation of cases.
Regions / PAs that have been classified as High risk and / or equated with High risk for 3 or more consecutive weeks are increasing, this implies the evaluation of specific measures to be adopted at the provincial and regional level based on the document “Prevention and response to COVID-19: evolution of the strategy and planning in the transition phase for the autumn-winter period ”emission
with Circular from the Ministry of Health of 12/10/2020 Prot. 32732. Twenty Regions / PA are classified as high risk and one as moderate risk with a high probability of progressing to high risk in the next month, effectively being configured throughout the national territory a high risk of an epidemic. Regions / PAs are invited to carry out an ongoing risk analysis at the sub-regional level. It is necessary to maintain and / or strengthen mitigation measures based on the level of risk identified as indicated in the document “Prevention and response to COVID-19: evolution of the strategy and planning in the transition phase for the autumn-winter period “Sent by Circular of the Ministry of Health of 12/10/2020 Prot. 32732.