Coronavirus school, swab and certificate to return to class after Covid-like symptoms


Rome, September 25, 2020 – A student or a school worker with at least one of the symptoms Similary COVID-19 cannot return to class after days of absence without having done the swab, or other tests for the diagnosis of coronavirus. For this reason, explains a circular of the General Directorate of Sanitary Prevention, in which the guidelines of the Ministry of Health are clarified, students, teachers and school operators, will have a preferential test lane.

Coronavirus Italy, the newsletter of September 25. Covid data and table

If the student or school worker tests positive for Sars-Cov-2, the case is notified to the Prevention Department that “start contact search and points out the extraordinary actions to clean up the school structure in its stakeholder ”, we already read in the previous circular of the Ministry of Health. back to school it will be necessary to be negative to two pads they are carried out 24 hours apart. So he pediatrician or the doctor who “will write an attestation that the subject can go back to school because the diagnosis-therapeutic and prevention pathway for Covid-19 has been followed, as required by national and regional documents ”.

In the event that a disease other than Covid is diagnosed, the person will remain at home until clinical recovery.

The circular describes the scenarios that “contribute to defining a ‘suspected case’, also based on the evaluation of the treating physician.” If “a student presents a rise in temperature above 37.5 degrees C or symptoms compatible with Covid-19 “at school or at home, and if” a school worker has an increase in body temperature above 37.5 degrees C or symptoms compatible with Covid 19 “at school or at home”. In all these cases, the pediatrician or doctor must request the diagnostic test, which will be carried out by the Prevention Department or the regional service in charge.

Pediatricians: “Punctuality is important”

The president of the Italian Federation of Pediatricians (Fimp), Paolo Biasci, comments: from the circular “it is clear what pediatricians have been saying out loud for weeks: a child or a child with at least one of the symptoms of Covid must be subjected to a swab.” And he observes: “The document does not refer to the number of days, but to the indication is to do it ‘soon’, as soon as possible”.

Greater clarity: “The circular only specifies better the one who established the ISS in the document on the management of Covid outbreaks in schools. I noticed that in the first part all the legal references are specified, as if to underline that all the Regions have approved it and therefore should adopt it in this way ”.

But then he explains: “For the pediatrician, the shape of the swab to distinguish a banal flu from the coronavirus is the only possible one.” Therefore, “a commitment of resources in the area is needed for investments in test centers, laboratories and personnel.”

Cases already in 400 schools

According to a figure, reported by the newspaper Il Sole 24 ore, more than 400 schools They have already been affected by at least one case of coronavirus, and 75 have been closed. The positive cases in 76% of the cases are students, and in 13% are prof., The rest are other members of the staff. There are 19 schools involved in Rome, 14 in Bologna and 13 in Milan.
