Covid-19 begins to be more and more frequent even in school desks. After the eleven diagnosed between Thursday and Friday, the Public Hygiene of Ausl Romagna has verified another 8 in the Forlì area. Different measures arranged according to the contacts that have been made with the infected. He is a pupil in a secondary school in Bertinoro, a teacher in a secondary school in Forli, two pupils in two primary schools in Forlì, a teacher in a primary school in Forlì, a student in an upper secondary school in Forlì, a student in a elementary school – nursery in Predappio, another teacher in the nursery in Dovadola.
The case in a class of a primary school and a kindergarten in Forlì
As for a primary school in Forlì, Livio Tempesta, where the case of a positive student had already been identified, another positive student emerged after the swabs performed. Ausl staff felt, according to the school, “they decided not to quarantine the class and related staff. It is instead considering proceeding with the execution of the pharyngeal nasal swab for the class and related staff. Additionally, classrooms should masks must be used in a static position for 14 days from October 9 “.
The same has happened with the teacher of a kindergarten in Forlì (“Angeletti”) who tested positive. Ausl staff carried out all the necessary checks and ordered that the students in the teacher’s class, teachers and non-teaching staff belonging to that class, be quarantined. Students, teaching and non-teaching staff, were also ordered to do the swabbing.
The case of Predappio
As for the pupil of an elementary school “Il Pollicino” in Predappio who tested positive, the class to which the positive belongs was quarantined, including the teachers and non-teaching staff of that class. Students, teaching and non-teaching staff, and some parents who have come to the nursery for insertion will need to swab. It informs the Municipality: “All the necessary protocols were immediately activated and all the rules were followed. The nursery will remain closed. The nursery staff, the children and a parent from each family will remain in preventive forty.
The case of Bertinoro
Regarding the case of a student from a Bertinoro Baccalaureate, the Ausl staff carried out all the necessary controls and ordered that the class of the positive should not be quarantined, but that the students and the teaching staff and not the teacher to perform the swab and adopt all spacing measures and use the mask even in a static position, for 14 days.
Mayor Gabriele Antonio Fratto reports: “This is a high school student Paolo Amaducci, who is in stable condition and without non-alarming symptoms. According to Ausl protocol, once the close contacts of the student who has been absent for several days have been verified, as a precaution, swabs for the class, children who have come into contact through school-home transportation and school staff. ” The first citizen also reports that in Bertinoro there are 24 citizens in home isolation and one hospitalized. We continue to implement all the health and hygiene precautions and interpersonal distance of one meter ”.
New positivity for Dovadola’s mother
The Dovadola kindergarten, closed since Friday for a positive case, after swabs made to students and staff, has found a second positive case in the teachers and, therefore, will remain closed.
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No quarantine for other cases
As for the other cases (a teacher from a first grade secondary school in Forlì, a student from a first grade primary school in Forlì, a student from a secondary school, a technical institute) the Ausl has ordered that the classes directly involved are not in quarantine, but the students and the teaching and non-teaching staff perform the swab and take all the spacing measures and the use of the mask even in a static position, for 14 days, except in the Baccalaureate in which students, teachers and non-teaching staff will have to “just” perform the nasopharyngeal smear.