The health consultant says that the infection curve for Covid-19 is slowing down but that we cannot lower our guard
The epidemic is slowing down, but the risk of third wave of Covid-19 in Italy it remains. Walter Ricciardi, professor of hygiene at the Catholic University of Rome and consultant to the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, supports this in Agora in Rai 3.
“What is happening is a slowing of increase“Of coronavirus infections” and experience tells us that when this happens there is a flattening, so there is a plateau that lasts a month, one month and a half. We have to persevere, it depends on us ”, explained Ricciardi.
“The measures – he stressed – they are working because they differ according to the different epidemiological situations. So we somehow reversed the rise, not the epidemic curve. Now we must expect a flattening. When there is a decline, we can talk about reopening or returning to a more normal situation ”.
However, the Cattolica professor warns of the risks of a relaxation of restrictive measures during the Christmas holidays and the danger of a third wave that, he says, “it would be unsustainable for our hospitals. Right now, the pressure on hospitals throughout Italy is terrible ”.
“I only give a figure to show the pressure on the operators: this month alone, 27 thousand doctors and nurses were infected: 900 per dayRicciardi stressed. “It is clear that, if it continues, this pressure not only makes it impossible to treat patients, but also safeguards the first line, because how much it can be protected, patients must help them, and many times it happens that one lowers their guard.
The teacher reiterates how it is “it is absolutely necessary to limit mobility, do at this time only the things that are really needed “and avoid all other movements at the cost of tightening the measures for those who violate the rules:” It is clear that, if there is someone who tends to pick irresponsibly, it is necessary that they are the sanctions and that these are properly imposed “.
For Ricciardi, the only current possibility of reopening concerns the schools, which are the “priority” but only “under certain conditions: limit the circulation of the virus outside schools”, therefore “strengthen transport and astonish admissions”. We must make sure that children do not get infected when they arrive and leave school. “
VIRGILIO NEWS | 23-11-2020 09:39
Photo Source: Ansa