Coronavirus, Ricciardi: virtuous Emilia-Romagna, Lombardy not


BOLOGNA – “There is a region in the North that finished these works, which is the programming, the preparation in July. It inaugurated Covid departments, established and strengthened territorial assistance. There is a region, also this one in the North, that flu vaccines They ordered them in October when the flu vaccines basically end in May. Emilia-Romagna has in fact completely completed the entire preparation phase in July. I mean Lombardy that the ldi flu vaccine competitions did 9 and the last one it did in October And he ordered in the end for a population of 10 million people 2 million vaccines that do not even serve to protect vulnerable groups ”: these are the Words of Walter Ricciardi, adviser to the Minister of Health and professor of Hygiene at the Catholic University, in “Agorà” in Rai Tre, on the health situation of the national regions. “Tell me if the government is responsible for not having made a national contest that, for example, does not e can be done by the Constitution because “in reality, the responsibility lies with the Regions.”
