Coronavirus: words from Walter Ricciardi, advisor to the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza for the Covid emergency
Regarding health, “the Constitution grants the State three powers: that of planning, that of controlling, and that of financing. Everything else is in the hands of the Regions. In times of peace there are Regions, and there are several, that work well and there are others that work very badly. In times of peace, someone born in Campania or Calabria has a life expectancy of up to 4 years less than one born in Marche or Trentino. It is not good to intervene when things are going well, for example in Emilia-Romagna or Veneto. But when you have Regions that don’t organize breast exams in peacetime, then you need to intervene.“. He said it Walter Ricciardi, advisor to the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza for the Covid emergency, in Agorà on Rai3. With the coronavirus, Ricciardi stressed, “there are regions that have not hired doctors to carry out epidemiological investigations, so there are local health authorities that have two or three people working day and night. This does not work, if many regions have worked well, most have worked too late“.