Coronavirus, Ricciardi leaves the chorus: “No to the reopening of schools. Red zone until mid-January “


There is light at the end of the tunnel. Walter Ricciardi, consultant to the Minister of Health for the Coronavirus emergency is convinced of this. But we have to hold out a little longer: to really lower the contagion curve “the only way is emergency shutdown long and national “. Even the red zone now in force” should be extended, at least until mid-January, if we want to see positive effects. January 7th suddenly, we restart all activities, we will certainly see an increase in the epidemic curve, “he says in an interview with the newspaper. The impression.

The school

That is why the school should also be “sacrificed”: not reopen, according to Ricciardi, in January. “Schools are safe environments, but it is the external situation that discourages their reopening – he said – otherwise we run the risk of closing them in a few weeks.” For this reason, the situation inside the schools does not worry, which have perfectly applied security protocols, but in his opinion the movements, therefore, the overcrowding in public transport and the grandparents who receive the grandchildren in their homes every afternoon. In short, everything that happens before and after the lessons, not during.


As for vaccines, Ricciardi is convinced that we will not run out: now, however, “Ema can and must accelerate the green light for the AstraZeneca vaccine”, which Italy needs as soon as possible to continue vaccinations, start the December 27. “Vaccinating doctors and nurses is a moral and deontological imperative, a question of safety in the workplace: if a health worker does not protect himself from the virus by vaccinating, he cannot continue to exercise,” he added. For the time being, therefore, compulsory vaccination is excluded, but if the government’s recommendations are not enough, then “stronger measures” will be taken.

License for vaccinated

For example, vaccination follow-up is evaluated ‘in the event that the 30-40 percent of the population “would reject the vaccine. It is a kind of” license “: the citizen receives the vaccination code on the phone to place it in a special reader at the entrance of cinemas, theaters and stadiums. Only those who have the code enter, therefore those who are vaccinated. The rest out. “We know that the 70 percent of Italian citizens are not against vaccines, another 25 percent is doubtful, but it must be clearly reported: in the end we will be able to reach 95 percentage coverage. The so-called No-Vax are an absolute minority, albeit a noisy one, ”he said.

The nightmare could end in a year

The impact of the vaccination campaign will be seen “before the summer when there could be positive repercussions from the point of view of mortality and hospital admissions, easing the pressure on the health system.” On the contagion front, however, we will have to wait for “the end of the year.” Finally Ricciardi admitted a bit of disappointment: “In the first phase I was able to influence political decisions more, I also attended the CTS meetings, it was different. But, as the months went by, I noticed that my advice was no longer considered and the results were showing. There has always been a great harmony with Minister Roberto Speranza. The reopening of the discotheques was perhaps the worst option, linked to the autonomous decisions of the Regions ”. Desire for him 2021 it is “that, in the end, this pandemic really changes us for the better. But honestly, I don’t see any positive signs from this point of view.

Cover photo: ANSA / CIRO FUSCO

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