Absences and absences of school personnel at the time of Covid 19. A detailed file from the CISL Scuola analyzes various cases: from sick leave due to Covid to measures for those with children in quarantine.
Absence due to illness due to COVID-19, or due to quarantine or stay in trust house
In accordance with Legislative Decree 18/2020 (Decree Law Cura Italia) converted into Law 27/2020, art. 87, paragraph 1 “the period spent in illness or in quarantine with active surveillance, or in the permanence of the trust home with active surveillance, by the employees of the administrations referred to in article 1, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree No. 165, for COVID19, is equivalent to the period of hospitalization “.
- Absences of this type do not count towards the conduct period.
- The reduction is not applied in accordance with Legislative Decree 112/2008, article 71
- There is no fiscal visit
Pending absence of swab result after serological test
Ministerial Ordinance 18 of July 28 establishes that “teaching and non-teaching staff, as well as educators from institutions of the national educational system, including universities, regional vocational training centers, private schools, even non-equal, and educational services for children, the period of absence from the workplace, by the time that elapses between the possibly positive result found when performing the serological tests for the search for specific antibodies against the SARSCoV-2 virus and the acquisition of the result of the molecular test for the diagnosis of infection, it is equivalent, upon presentation of an adequate medical certificate issued by the GP and / or the competent ASL, to the quarantine period, in order to recognize the economic treatment expected by current legislation “.
- Absences of this type do not count towards the conduct period.
- The reduction is not applied in accordance with Legislative Decree 112/2008, article 71
- There is no fiscal visit.
Fragile worker absence
The Law for the conversion of Decree Law 104/2020 provided that for public and private employees in possession of a certification issued by the health authorities or by the family doctor that proves a risk condition derived from:
– immunosuppression
– results of oncological pathologies
– perform life-saving therapies
– disability with serious connotations
the period of absence from the service is equivalent to hospitalization until October 15, 2020.
- Absences of this type are counted towards the conduct period.
- The reduction is not applied in accordance with Legislative Decree 112/2008, article 71
- There is no fiscal visit.
Absence due to “school quarantine of the child”
Decree Law 104/2020 during the conversion, provided that the school staff (like the rest of the employees) can carry out their work in an agile way during all or part of the period corresponding to the duration of the quarantine of the cohabiting child under 14 years of age eliminated as a result of contagion that occurred on the school complex.
Only in cases where the execution of the work cannot be carried out in an agile way and in any case alternatively, you may refrain from working during all or part of the quarantine period; in this case an indemnity equivalent to 50% of the salary itself is recognized instead of the salary. This benefit can be recognized for the periods included until December 31, 2020.
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