Also in Apulia the mantra is: stay home as much as possible, go out only if strictly necessary and significantly reduce contacts with people. The health system is in trouble and the virus continues to circulate with greater insistence, testing the resistance of hospitals and the ability to face the Covid emergency. Infections and hospitalizations are on the rise. Ordinary and non-urgent hospitalizations are suspended until midnight today, an election dictated by the rapid increase in hospitalizations as a result of the spread of Covid, which could undergo an extension.
Meanwhile, the Councilor for Health is preparing a circular that will be sent to the ASL of the six provinces to give the green light to greater use of antigen tests to increase the capacity of prevention departments to carry out contact tracing activities. , system on tilt for a few days.
“It didn’t take scientists to understand that rapid tests were needed to increase contact tracing capabilities“Ignazio Zullo thunders”.It is a pity that the Region is late as always, despite the fact that I have been urging it for some time, since I am witnessing the use of these tampons in companies that cannot afford a lockdown to survive. What can I say, better late than never?“added the regional councilor of the Brothers of Italy.
In the meeting that Emiliano held yesterday with all the general directors of the ASL, in the presence of Vito Montanaro and the epidemiological advisor Pier Luigi Lopalco, “the evolution of the flexible device that according to the needs of the beds in the medical area and the intensive therapies increase, it makes everything necessary available to the medical care and patients of Apulia ”, explained Michele Emiliano. “It is a difficult job but we have managed to resolve the most difficult and crisis situations“.
The president of the Puglia region added: “I hope that infections will decrease and that the measures adopted by the Government will be effective in reducing the number of people who are forced to hospitalize“And he concluded:”Prudence and everyone’s attention are essential “
The other battle that is being fought, parallel to the emergence of the Covid-19 coronavirus, is that of influenza vaccines.
Hon. Marcello Gemmato, regional coordinator of the Brothers of Italy, with a question to Minister Speranza brought to the Health Commission the situation of the Apulian doctors, who would be forced to send home patients who have requested the vaccine against influenza “, despite the date On October 8 it was said that in Puglia the distribution of vaccines by the ASL to general practitioners would begin for subsequent inoculation to patients,” Gemmato emphasizes.
“Through the only ASL contracting station in Bari, Puglia would have bought 2.1 million doses that it should have distributed in five days; 19 have passed and the general practitioners of the province of Bari are not yet in possession of the dose of vaccines necessary to cover the needs and it seems that in these hours the patients who have requested the vaccine are forced to send home, a situation that clearly constitutes a serious danger to the health of citizens since the risk of coexistence of the vaccine it is high. ‘seasonal flu and Covid-19, thus impacting public health facilities with the saturation in a short time of the places available for treatment related to the two diseases, “adds the Melonian exponent.
On this front, the Councilor for Health Policies, Pier Luigi Lopalco and the director of the Department of Health Policies, Vito Montanaro, today sent the Local Health Authorities, hospitals, public and private Irccs, ecclesiastical organizations, unions and associations professionals, a note with indications on the subject of influenza vaccination obligations for health professionals.
“Getting vaccinated – explains Commissioner Lopalco – protects the safety of health workers and patients. In this critical period, it is absolutely useful to reduce the circulation of the virus. For this reason, the Region has decided to regulate the matter and make vaccination mandatory for those who enter the departments of health institutions ”.
“The 2020-21 flu season will be characterized – it reads – by a co-circulation of flu viruses and the Sars Covid virus in such a way that it will require a strengthening of epidemic prevention measures, with special reference to the sector social and health “.
With the letter sent yesterday, we recall the obligations of the regional law for the vaccination of health workers. The law provides for the use of only suitable operators to carry out the specific task and activity in the assistance structures.
Health professionals, due to their contact with patients and potentially infectious material, are at risk of exposure and diseases such as influenza that can be prevented by vaccination.
The regional regulations provide for the annual execution for all health professionals, providing, in the event of refusal, the adoption by the competent doctor of specific prescriptions aimed at minimizing the infectious risk.
“The Constitutional Court – finally reads – reiterated that the Region has governed legitimately by virtue of its powers.”
Therefore, we invite – concluded the director Montanaro – all the organs, unions, orders and associations to disseminate the note as widely as possible, highlighting the importance of compliance with vaccination obligations as a preventive and protective measure with the commitment of maximum awareness of all the operators of the regional health service ”.
Another hot topic raised by the regional councilors is that of the Usca, Special Continuity Care Units: “In addition to the increase in beds in Apulian hospitals, it is necessary to strengthen local assistance for the home management of patients with Covid 19. For this, we ask the Secretary of Health for clarity and also ask for answers about what has been read in recent days about the lack of protective equipment for doctors in Usca ”.
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This was stated by councilors Rosa Barone, Cristian Casili, Grazia Di Bari, Marco Galante and Antonella Laricchia who in recent days asked to know for each ASL in the region and for each province the detail of the number of Usca currently active and of the doctors employees, the tasks performed by each unit and the number of interventions performed. “We do not want the same mistakes made by the Puglia region to be repeated for Usca in phase 1 of the emergency, when we started late and with changes of offers during the race. These units need to be strengthened to support ASL prevention departments, conduct epidemiological investigations and smears, and support the influenza vaccination campaign. Territorial assistance is essential for the management of this phase and must be strengthened to avoid the collapse of hospital structures and of our health system ”concluded the pentastellati.