Those infected are divided as follows: 175 in the province of Bari, 15 in the province of BAT, 3 in the province of Brindisi, 27 in the province of Foggia, 10 in the province of Lecce, 17 in the province of Taranto , 1 resident outside the region. . The explanation comes from Asl’s DG, Antonio Sanguedolce: “The cases of positivity registered today in the province of Bari refer for the most part to close contacts of positives already traced earlier. Then, the prevention department identified a series of clusters: they are schools between Bari and the province, a health home for the elderly, a private nursing home and a group of foreigners in the area ”.
In this sense, it was the day of the sudden closure of schools of all levels in Gravina in Puglia, announced last night by Mayor Alesio Valente. “Four of the last 7 cases concern children who attend our schools – explained the mayor – Having heard the ASL, which could not complete the contact tracing operations, we decided to close because we need time to identify all possible new cases “On October 9, normality will be returned to classes not affected by infections. Avoid parties for children at home.”Speaking of the Don Uva outbreak in Foggia, Asl dg Vito Piazzolla explains that the total number of positives registered at the “Don Uva” headquarters in Foggia is currently 35 guests and 37 operators ”.
A new death registered in the province of Taranto brings the total number of victims to 604, while the total cured amounts to 4,929, 41 more than yesterday. With these figures, the positives currently (total fewer deaths and cured cases) reach 3,133, of which 301 are hospitalized.