Liguria. In Liguria, as well as across the country, coronavirus infections are starting to rise again dizzyingly, with less effect in hospital ICUs, and with fewer deaths, it is true, but this does not mean that the situation should not be taken absolutely seriously. Increase in Covid cases, tracking difficulties, gaps by the health system and people’s responsibility: the public and the private are intertwined when it comes to the pandemic and its containment.
We publish a letter from a young Genoese professional who, wanting to remain anonymous, tells us how simple it is the development of an outbreak – a wedding, or rather two, a bachelor party and many asymptomatic are enough to unleash the mix – as apparently it is difficult to respect the rules, even for those who have the cultural tools to do so, how broad is the level of submerged (l ‘The local health company has never come into play within this group.) and what are they the effects on people’s lives. Here is the letter:
Although there is often talk of an outbreak in the historic center, this situation is spreading like wildfire within the so-called “Well of Genoa”, Which has followed in an absolutely irresponsible way organizing weddings even with hundreds of guests, often accompanied by bachelor parties. My testimony relates to a rapidly expanding group originating from a marriage. (and previously a bachelor party) took place on September 26 in a town in the Savona hills. The brief contact with some people that led me to contract the virus at the wedding. This has forced me to come home for a week, and it will force me to stay home for a few more weeks.
I am a freelancer, I lost my position due to the impact of the pandemic on the economy, and in this time of isolation I will not be able to occupy myself with finding other positions., so my billing will be zero euros. If I had been an employee, I would have forced my doctor to get sick without being able to work, which means that all the employees who tested positive during their marriage are at home and not helping to increase their companies’ profits, which they may as well. ‘are in serious trouble due to Covid.
I think it is important tell you, e that you tell this story because people understand the seriousness of the consequences of acting without fully understanding the importance of your civil liability. In the early days of September, to the best of my knowledge, a single party with the groom and his friends. Regardless of the program, which I do not know, in the following days a participant, I suppose symptomatic, underwent a smear, which was positive (this case did not attend the wedding).
This led the guests to comply with the 15 days provided by the ASL protocol and, probably, with a negative result, but Covid could only have infiltrated their network of contacts, probably also invited to the ceremony. The protocol would also foresee being able to exit in the presence of a negative buffer but, as is known, the ASL reaction times are strongly compromised by the current situation. After all It was certainly not the ASL that suggested organizing a bachelor party in a region heavily affected by the pandemic. and in a dramatic period in which the cases begin to increase again.
Personally, I would not be able to leave home and live my life in peace if I knew that I can be remotely positive., dangerous to my loved ones and someone else’s loved ones. Surely I would not go to a wedding with many guests if I did not have the absolute certainty (or the absolute maximum possible) about my state of health. Also, from what I have come to know Two weeks before this wedding, another wedding took place between very famous names in the city, with a few hundred guests, many of whom shared with the wedding in question.. As far as I know, positive cases of this marriage also emerged, again according to my sources.
In these positive cases, the ASL protocol of the 15 days of quarantine has certainly not even begun as the guests at this wedding were present at the 26.. This fact is perhaps more serious than that related to the bachelor party and highlights the lack of attempts to contain the damage. But the desire to celebrate was such that 150 guests They met in wonderful Savona surroundings, for an aperitif, dinner, and some shy after-dinner celebrations. All with strong doubts related to the possible positivity of some present and without informing the guests that knowing it they might not show up. A dream day in a dream setting has quickly turned into a nightmare, since the wedding then dozens of proven positivity emerged and many activities that are not correlated with the event but are, like mine.
Each positivity equates to several lives that must be stopped, like mine and that of my partner who came from a convalescence linked to a surgical operation performed a few weeks ago A situation like this, which is causing economic damage to many, could represent a very strong emotional stress for many, in addition to probably the next sanitary blackout. The most serious thing is that this behavior is carried out by social strata considered “high”, that they are deliberately destroying and blocking this city and this country, because of their ambitions and that show that, perhaps, they do not need to work as much as the rest of Italy ”.