Coronavirus, possible new “red zones” in Sicily


The number of cases of Covid 19 infection is also increasing in Sicily and the Region is beginning to launch new ad hoc measures for the most affected areas. “Today, in light of the evaluation of the epidemiological trend, the Ministry of Health will propose to the President of the Region the adoption of containment measures for some municipalities and areas characterized by a high number of Coronavirus infections,” announces the regional councilor of health, Ruggero Razza.

Coronavirus, the map of positives by municipality

In addition, some measures will be adopted to implement the provision issued by the President of the Region on diagnostic screening in a significant sample of the population: “We are entering a phase of the epidemic that should be further characterized by the speed of decisions”, adds Razza.

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“We ask citizens – continues the Councilor for Health – to contribute with their adherence to the protocols for the prevention of infections. In a different phase of the pandemic, we were the region that, with its composure, surprised Italy. We cannot make a mistake now, because no one wants to return to a lockout that would bring the already fragile economy of our territory to its knees ”.
