Strong leap forward compared to yesterday’s 1,585, with slightly fewer shock absorbers. Ten dead. The contagion index falls from 1.14 to 0.92
If Europe returns to March, as of today we are on May 1 when infections were 1,965, close to 1,907 today, which marks a strong leap forward compared to 1,585 yesterday, with an even slightly lower number of swabs . However, hospitalizations are increasing more slightly, today more than 39 to which are added 4 in intensive care. Ten deaths.
The increase in infections has been a constant for seven weeks, underlines the monitoring report for the week of September 7 to 13 from the ISS and the Ministry of Health. In the last 14 days, the incidence of cases per 100,000 inhabitants has risen from 27.89 to 29.63, but what worries the editors of the report is the increase in the average age of those infected, which in just seven days went from 35 to 41 years. In August, the average age was just 29 years old. Signs “of greater transmission in the family environment, with circulation of the virus even among the elderly.” Where the virus is no less dangerous than before, so much so that with increasing age there has been a constant increase in hospitalizations, with a percentage of beds occupied by Covid patients going from 2 to 4% in a week, while that in intensive care it has jumped from 1 to 2%, but with peaks of 5% in some regions. The number of sprouts increases, now by 2,397 to give off sparks, of which 698 are new. The contagion index, the RT falls from 1.14 to 0.92, therefore below the guard level of one, above which there are only 5 regions: Calabria, Friuli, Liguria, Trento and Sicily.
Returning to today’s data, new infections continue to gallop in Campania, going from 195 to 208. Infections also increase in Veneto, where in the 24 hours they go from 109 to 176, for a total number of 25,423 infected since the beginning of the epidemic. There are also three victims, bringing the total number of deaths to 2,153 (between hospitals and nursing homes).
Rise of infections in South Tyrol. In the last 24 hours, the laboratories of the South Tyrol health authority made 1,916 swabs. 72 new positive cases were registered, compared to 11 yesterday. These are mainly eastern apple pickers who are tested on arrival in Italy. On the other hand, the number of people in home isolation increased from 1,672 to 1,744, of which 64 returned from Croatia, Greece, Spain or Malta. The number of hospitalized patients remains unchanged: 15 in normal wards and 2 in intensive care.
In Tuscany, the number of infections for the day fell from 119 to 99. On the other hand, new cases in Lazio continue to rise slightly from 181 to 193, 108 of which in the capital. However, there are no deaths.
The swabs processed in Puglia are decreasing: today they are 3,773 against 4,011 yesterday, but infections increase to 84 against 63 yesterday. Two deaths were also recorded, one in the province of Bari, the other in Tarantino (victims number 577).
Agreement between the EU Commission, Sanofi and GSK that will allow EU countries to buy up to 300 million doses of the anti-Covid vaccine produced by the joint venture of the two pharmaceutical companies. A similar contract was signed with AstraZeneca.
Meanwhile, we learn that from the blood of patients we can obtain predictions about the course of Covid-19. This is demonstrated by the “Covid-IP” study by the international team at King’s College London and the Francis Crick Institute in London with the participation of Francesca Di Rosa from the CNR Institute of Molecular Biology and Pathology in Rome.
Estimates from the Italian Association of Medical Oncology (Aiom) confirm that Covid has also caused damage to those who are not infected but suffer from other serious diseases. As a result of the SarsCov2 pandemic, in the first 5 months of 2020, in Italy, in fact, about one million four hundred thousand fewer cancer screenings were performed compared to the same period in 2019. Delays that result, for example , in a net reduction of new diagnoses of breast cancer (2,099 less) and colon – rectal cancer (611 less). “The delays in secondary prevention programs – warns the president of Aiom Giordano Beretta – may determine an increase in mortality in the coming years”.