Coronavirus, positive child in kindergarten. Classmates, teachers and parents in quarantine. Talassi: “ He had a fever and he stayed home ”


LAVIS. After the infection occurred in the first days of September from a child in a kindergarten in Pergine (Here the article) now there are a new case in Lavis. A son of Mother Magdalena di Canossa Kindergarten was, in fact, infected with the coronavirus, e.g. ex.enitori, section teachers and a score of children have been put quarantined.

The protocols were scrupulously followed by the school and this made it possible to face the situation in the best possible way.

“The child – explained to Stefano Talassi president from school – attended for a couple of days but then the parents realized that he had some fever lines and they had it at home. Then the swab was done and the child tested positive. “

The protocols to follow came from the health company the start of the epidemiological analysis. The child had been home for a few days without any contact and therefore this situation should not cause any other problems.. At the moment, no other children have experienced symptoms..

The quarantine of two teachers, parents and other children of the section will last until Monday afternoon.

“The child is fine – explained Talassi – families must realize that they need to gauge his behavior, including external ones, in various situations. The important thing is that all protocols have been followed and that families make an effort to control the temperature at home”.
