Coronavirus, Piedmont third in new cases. The Region: possible local closures


‘Possible selective closures and more restrictive measures than the current ones if infections increase in Piedmont. But safeguarding productive activities and school to the maximum ». To say this, explaining that “the Region is developing tools and procedures that will be needed when necessary,” said Dr. Bartolomeo Griglio, head of the Prevention Department of the Regional Health Secretariat. “The Region – he explained – has equipped itself with a risk assessment system in accordance with the provisions of the ministry. We have a common monitoring system for each municipality, health company by health company, so that we can take surgical measures for the specific situation. In Piedmont, the thresholds indicated in summer remain in force depending on the level of risk, with preventive actions aimed at avoiding widespread confinement. Regarding the number of places in intensive care and the operation of contact tracing, the region remains in the moderate risk range. “Today, as always, we have some yellow and orange areas – said the head of the Prevention Department – but at the moment they do not require special measures.”

At this time, the most worrying age group is those under 24 years of age, with more than 27% of infections, said Griglio and Antonio Rinaudo, coordinating commissioner of the School Area of ​​the Crisis Unit of the Region, illustrating the new operational guidelines for the management of Covid cases in the school sent yesterday by the Secretary of Health of the Region to the ASL. “In the age group of those who go to school and university, we have a great circulation of the virus, but the problems are not school and university, we get infected by moving around, doing activities. For this, other regions have already considered limitations. We will do the evaluations next week, we will do them together with the school ”, said Griglio. “Today the school is one of the safest places – Rinaudo stressed – because there are such strict rules that they make Ata visitors, students, teachers and staff safe. Since September 20, we have had 650 positive students throughout Piedmont, compared to 8,152 swabs performed. It means around 8%, a figure that does not justify drastic measures at the moment.

The situation of infections in Piedmont does not improve: yesterday they were +821 compared to Thursday, of which 487 asymptomatic and 217 in the school environment. There are 43 (+3) hospitalized in intensive care and 658 (+63) non-ICU hospitalized. The deaths counted yesterday are 4 (4194 since the beginning of the epidemic, of which 1847 in Turin). An aggravation that also affects RSA, the only reality where the confinement has never completely ended and that now threatens to return to the levels of greater rigor: some structures have ordered the suspension of family visits by reservation: as at the beginning of the crisis, the medical director will have the right to authorize the visit in situations such as the end of life.
