Coronavirus phase 2, the Fontana line: in Lombardy only those with security conditions will reopen


Lombardy traces the perimeter of the new normal, it indicates to its ten million citizens the paradigm that will regulate their lives from Monday, waiting for the government’s indications to arrive. And the substance that has been announced: it opens up to those who can guarantee security. The recommendations for recurring words, but in fact the indications contained in the new order signed by Fontana are even more restrictive than those required at the national level. Declared objective: To guarantee the protection of health in all workplaces in Lombardy, which from May 18 will be able to reopen regardless of the scope of activities, provided that they can guarantee the adoption of fundamental measures to minimize the risk of new ones. These are six rules considered fundamental to face this phase 2, followed by those that are widely repeated during these weeks of living with the virus: from the use of devices to the distances between people, from measuring the temperature to observing the guidelines of Inail and the Higher Institute of Health, from the use of the application for regional monitoring to smart work. But everything related to the dictates of the government, everyone wants to underline in the Palazzo Lombardia.

The application to download

In detail, at least through May 31, Lombard employers must subject their staff to body temperature checks before entering the workplace. And if it turns out to be greater than 37.5, they’ll have to send them home. What’s more, they will be asked to pay close attention to any spy symptoms during business days. In case of cough, cold, conjunctivitis, immediate isolation, the call to medical assistance and the communication of the company to the competent Ats must be activated. In total, 2 million 700 thousand people physically present at their jobs are expected from Monday in Lombardy, in addition to one million in smart work and 300 thousand still stagnant. However, with the reopening of shops, bars, restaurants, hairdressers and beauty centers, a new variable is introduced: customers. And in fact, there is also a recipe for sensing the temperature even for all of them before accessing any service. And again, above 37.5, you must activate the entry ban and the invitation to contact your doctor. The Lombardy Region also recommends downloading and using the AllertaLom application and answering the questions in the CercaCovid questionnaire. In fact, it should become a daily gesture for employers.

Confcommercio’s protest

In short, nothing revolutionary for many people who have already seen their lives revolutionized by the emergency that has devastated everything and everyone. But, in any case, the same Lombard ordinance refers to the government texts, everything that still needs to be clarified. And not a little bit. Tomorrow morning there will be a meeting with our scientific technical committee and with the government that will clarify what openings it wants to make on May 18 and what are the new lines of action it wants to adopt and has not yet been communicated, the same thing was explained yesterday by the late. President Fontana With emphasis: the mayors are concerned that there are still no definitive measures by the government. But in the meantime, the harshest reaction comes from merchants who, through Confcommercio Lombardia, request certain rules, easily applicable and sustainable. Yesterday morning, at the Development Pact meeting, the trade association vigorously raised the issue on behalf of more than 140,000 companies: it is unthinkable, for example, that public companies and restaurants can resume their business with the obligation to maintain 4 square meters per customer because measures like this, if made mandatory, would obviously not be economically bearable. And also with regard to the measurement of temperature, mandatory for employees and recommended for customers, merchants are opposed: even in practice, it will be impossible to find a sufficient number of thermal scanners by Monday.

May 14, 2020 (change May 14, 2020 | 22:39)

