Book will be mandatory, the journals To be read while awaiting your turn, the esthetician will have the visor and treatments with steam they are discouraged or else they must abide by strict rules. Still: two meters of space between one station and another and green light to theExtended hours, with the possibility of remaining open too Sunday and the Monday“sacred” closing day. Inail is Health college have extended the guidelines For him Phase 2 dedicated to hairdressing, hairdressing and beauticians in view of the end of emergency shutdown of the salons, scheduled for Monday May 18.
The general rules, approved by the Scientific technical committee, will be in the center of a comparison scheduled for the day between the Minister of Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia, and me Governors along with those dedicated to shops, restaurants is Coffee. The sector is considered a “medium-high” risk and implies approx 140 thousand companies is 260 thousand employees.
“In order to guarantee accessibility to services after a long period of closure and in consideration of the measures that will be adopted, which will probably reduce the number of treatments simultaneously – reads the Inail document – it is appropriate to foresee the possibility of allow exceptions on closing days and allowschedule extension opening hours. “
The rationalization of internal spaces to allow social distancing It is considered a central point by experts. For this reason, it is suggested “to favor the realization of waiting areas “ for customers “even off-site, allowing wherever possibleoccupation of public lands in derogation “. Inail and Iss indicate a complete series of” general organizational measures “: they go from the compulsory reservation, the phase in which the types of treatment required must be” predetermined “, to separation barriers between the various areas, from the provision of a minimum distance of at least two meters between workstations to the elimination of “magazines and any other object that may be of mixed use in the room”.
Cut and style, the document reads, “must necessarily be preceded by to wash of hair. “You should also take temperature customers, who will also be given an “individual bag / bag single use only to collect personal belongings. “Holders should also prioritize payments with ATM is contactless systems.
For customers there is also an obligation to maskwhile owners and employees will also have to use “Nitrile gloves and masks” and use “disposable aprons and towels.” It is also mandatory to “disinfect the seasons the instruments after each treatment and prepare some dispenser with disinfecting solutions. “
Experts also establish social relations between the customer and the owner or employee of the store: it is necessary, they write, “to privilege the conversation With the client through the looking glass and carry out the procedures remaining behind the client in all possible cases. “As for the estheticians, in addition to the usual biological agent risk prevention measures that were in place even before the Covid-19 emergency, they arrive complementary measures.
For facials that require the use of steamexperts explain that we will have to wait alternative operations and in any case they can only be done in Separate rooms. They should also remain closed. saunas, Turkish bath and vJacuzzis and all surfaces must be cleaned and disinfected aesthetic cabin At every change of client. Workers are expected to wear masks FFP2 is FFP3 and not those surgical, in addition to protective masks or visors.
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