TRENTO. Keep growing there contagion curve also in Trentino with 148 positive in 24 hours against 2768 buffers, a figure in line with what was seen even in recent weeks when positives were counted on the fingers of one hand. For a month, however, the second wave has been underway that is causing deaths again (in Trentino even 15 in a month) and to involve the health facilities (in Trentino today two people were hospitalized in intensive care hospital admissions reached 50 units).
Yesterday Fugatti reassured the people of Trentino about the situation and explained that ”intensive care is empty” that ”in Trentino we make a lot of tampons” and what ” IThe situation in the schools is under control.” and then him 18 more classes in isolation (against the 3 who have come out of quarantine) carry the total sections blocked at 79. At the level of contagion it is Trento To note the largest increase with 54 new positives in 24 hours, follow Pergine with 26 new cases me Rovereto with 9.
Unfortunately There is also a new positive at Cembra Lisignago Where was the largest outbreak related to the resident population developed (between a graduation party and a choir) and that it had forced the administration to an ordinance that instituted more severe restrictions than the rest of the provincial territory. Also in this sense, Fugatti explained yesterday that the situation Cembra it is now normalizing and the contagion rate has actually dropped below 1% (now 0.85% with 20 people currently positive). Highest in the neighboring municipality, ad Altavalle (1% of positive population). Stay high too Baselga di Piné (0.83% of the positive population), a Sant’Orsola Terme (0.81%) ea Force (0.76%).
Looking at today’s infections are registered in 35 municipalities. Here is the list: Trento 54; Pergine 26; Rovereto 9; Civezzano 7; Baselga Pinè, Fornace 4; Altavalle, Lavis, Terre d’Adige 3; Mezzocorona, Besenello, Giovo, Folgaria, Bedollo, Calceranica al Lago, Sover 2; Arco, Riva del Garda, Levico Terme, Mezzolombardo, Cembra Lisignago, Tione di Trento, Mori, Ala, Castello Molina di Fiemme, San Michele all’Adige, Caldonazzo, Avio, Volano, Altopiano della Vigolana, Andalo, Segonzano, Grigno, Sfruz , Vignola Falesina 1 (2 unassigned cases).