Coronavirus: other restrictions in GB, 12 million involved – Last Hour


(ANSA) – LONDON, SEPTEMBER 18 – Restrictions on the partial local lockdown in the UK are still extended, amid the alarm over the rising trend in coronavirus infections and hospitalizations. Boris Johnson’s government announced today a tightening starting on Tuesday 22 also in additional territories in the north, center and west of England, such as Lancashire (excluding the city of Blackpool), Merseyside (that is, the area around Liverpool), a part more Midlands (including Wolverhampton) and part of West Yorkshire. In total, adding these areas to those included in the repression in force today in Newcastle, Sunderland and surroundings, as well as for a few weeks in Leicester, Birmingham, Bolton and in some areas of Scotland and Wales, the people affected by the new hardening in Country increases to about 12 million. (HANDLE).