Coronavirus, now the outbreaks in Palermo are worrying: 25 positives in the Biagio Conte Mission, 24 in Pagliarelli


Now two outbreaks in Palermo are worrying. In Pagliarelli Prison, as Fabio Geraci writes on the newsstands of Giornale di Sicilia, infected people are now 24 years old, all asymptomatic, 23 agents and one office worker. But it is feared that the budget could get worse, so much so that the ASP has sent a team that will have to carry out examinations to all operators, but also to inmates, as clarified by the prison director Francesca Vazzana.

Buffer for covid

In total, eight hundred between the penitentiary and administrative police, but also the entire prison population, currently composed of 1,300 inmates.

On the other hand, the number of infected among the guests of the Esperanza y Caridad mission of Biagio Conte has already worsened considerably: there are 25 and the volunteers of the structure have launched an appeal and a request for help on Facebook: “We are living a great difficulty and we ask everyone – say the volunteers of the structure – especially those with the tasks of health, political and institutional responsibility to help the Mission. We do not have the means or the strength to organize such a strong commitment to quarantine and care of a large number of people “.

Musumeci at the Biagio Conte mission

The ASP, which also ordered the sanitation of the premises in via Archirafi, is subjecting the volunteers and those closest to those who are positive to the swab. The goal is to be able to run a thousand quick tests. But the situation is not simple.

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Among the critical issues that arose is the identification of the guests, for which the support of the Nas was also requested.

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