Coronavirus, new ordinance of the mayor of Bologna on the closure of parks


After the closure of the Bolognese nightlife squares, night parks are also prohibited. In fact, the mayor of Bologna Virginio Merola has signed an ordinance that imposes the prohibition of access and parking in five of the parks and gardens of the city, every day from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. from Monday, October 26, 2020 and until new provisions.

“After the necessary closure of Piazza San Francesco, Piazza Verdi and a part of Piazza Aldrovandi – says Mayor Virginio Merola – I decided to intervene again to limit the time of access to some parks. Many citizens have denounced us nightly gatherings, and in the last period the Local Police and the Police have had to intervene several times because many people met without any respect for the measures to contain the coronavirus. Faced with the repeated irresponsible behavior that does not respect the rules imposed by the health emergency, we will continue to intervene promptly to protect the health of our entire community ”.

Affected parks and fines for violators

The prohibition of access and parking from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. the following day refers to:
Margherita Gardens;
September 11 Park;
Villa Cassarini Gardens;
Cavaticcio Park;
John Klemlen’s Garden.

Those who do not comply with the ordinance risk a fine that ranges between 400 and 1,000 euros.

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In the Jardines de Margherita there are school, sports and commercial activities: after 10 pm, those who are within these activities must leave through the nearest door before 24 hours, closing time set by the Dpcm on October 18 of 2020. Always for the Margherita Gardens, connected to the mayor’s provision, a mobility order has been issued containing traffic and parking provisions in the internal avenues of the Margherita Gardens, where it will not be possible to transit and stop from 22 to 6 the following day from Monday, October 26, 2020, except authorized.

Anti-covid measures, Merola’s appeal: “Avoid going out if it is not necessary, the watchword is respect”
