Coronavirus – New ordinance in Calabria: 8 municipalities become the red zone, 4 in orange


Limitations on the movement of natural persons and suspension of school activities in the presence of eight municipalities identified at the regional level as the “red zone” and in another four in the “orange zone”.

The acting president of the Calabria region, Nino Spirlì, signed ordinance n. 92 that provides new measures for the prevention and management of the epidemiological emergency of Covid-19.

The municipalities of the “red zone” are Bagnara Calabra (Rc), Platì (Rc), Bruzzano Zeffirio (Rc), Cardeto (Rc), Pallagorio (Kr), Cotronei (Kr), Isola Capo Rizzuto (Kr), Mileto ( Vv); those in the “orange zone” are Pizzo (Vv), Rombiolo (Vv), San Gregorio d’Ippona (Vv) and San Costantino Calabro (Vv).


The new ordinance was issued in consideration of infections recorded in the last 10 days. In the eight municipalities of the “red zone” “there is an incidence of new confirmed cases in the period in question that, in relation to the resident population, acquires very critical aspects, for which it seems necessary to decisively strengthen prevention measures, together with with additional specific limitations, with respect to those already established by national and regional regulations, for all geographic areas “.

As for the Municipalities in the “orange zone”, “there is a trend of new confirmed cases that, despite an apparent slowdown in the curve, forces the adoption of intermediate measures” to limit “the times of possible meeting to be held. lead to new infections, not otherwise contained. ‘


In the municipalities of Bagnara Calabra, Platì, Bruzzano Zeffirio, Cardeto, Pallagorio, Cotronei, Isola Capo Rizzuto, Mileto, there is “a ban on expulsion by all the people present, drastically reducing any possibility of physical proximity and limiting each shift “.

“Any natural person is prohibited from traveling or traveling, by public or private means of transport, to a municipality other than the one in which they are currently located, except for proven work needs, of absolute urgency or for health reasons.” , duly self-certified “.

There is also “the prohibition of access within the municipal territory, without prejudice to the possibility of entry and exit” for health workers and police forces.

Only trips motivated by proven work needs or situations of need or health reasons are allowed, as well as those considered essential. Again, “all commercial and productive activities are suspended, with the exception of those considered essential”, as indicated in the Dpcm of November 3, 2020. The markets remain closed, regardless of the type of activity carried out, except sales-oriented activities. of food only. On the other hand, kiosks, tobacconists, pharmacies and parapharmacies remain open.

“The activities of the catering services (including bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, patisseries) are suspended, with the exception of dining rooms and continuous restoration by contract.” “Only catering with home delivery is allowed in compliance with sanitary and hygienic regulations for both packaging and transport activities, as well as catering with takeout from 5 a.m. to 9 p.m., with prohibition of consumption on the spot or nearby”. .

Finally, “school activities of all types and levels, with the exception of nursery and preschool centers (educational services 0-6 years), are suspended in presence, resorting to distance education, leaving the school authorities to remodel the school. same; on the basis of individual organizations, integrated digital teaching for students with special educational needs is still allowed in schools, in the presence of their respective support teachers. “


In the municipalities of Pizzo, Rombiolo, San Gregorio d’Ippona and San Costantino Calabro, it is established that: «Within the municipal term the movement of natural persons is not allowed between 9:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. the following day. Only trips motivated by work needs, situations of need, urgent situations or health reasons are allowed. To justify the movements, it will be necessary to submit a self-declaration, using the model attached to ordinance no. 80/2020. In any case, it is allowed to return to the home, residence or residence “.

The activities of the restaurant services are suspended except for the dining rooms and the restaurant continues on a contractual basis. “Only catering with home delivery is allowed in compliance with sanitary and hygienic regulations for both packaging and transport activities, as well as catering with takeout from 5 a.m. to 9 p.m., with prohibition of consumption on the spot or nearby”. .


For the 12 municipalities affected by the ordinance, “the absolute prohibition of assembly, compliance with measures of interpersonal physical distancing and preventive hygiene measures, and strongly recommends the use of respiratory protection devices even indoors in private homes in the presence of people who do not live together.

The provision signed by Spirlì also establishes that the Prevention departments “continue to monitor the resident population and provide assistance to applicants, in terms of certificates related to absences from work.”


“It is always difficult to have to decide to intervene clearly and radically in the life of entire communities, but the contrast with Covid-19 – explains President Spirlì – passes through the courage of clear and, at times, unpopular elections. Calabrians will understand that defining borders in the face of obvious contagion is an important measure that protects both those who have already been touched by the virus and those who must defend themselves against it. It is now clear that controlled isolation is one of the most effective tools against Coronavirus attacks. “

“The Municipalities affected by the ordinance – he concludes – will be able to appreciate its purpose when, soon, the number of infected will decrease, and a lot. I ask everyone for the maximum cooperation; strictly follow the prescriptions; scrupulously use masks, disinfectants and all COVID-19 contrasts ”.
