Coronavirus, new Dpcm: 75% smart work, staggered school tickets and six seats at the restaurant table


Early closing of bars and restaurants and maximum 6 people per table, blocking of contact sports at all levels, limitations for gyms and swimming pools, start of lessons at 11 for high school students, 75% smart work, decrease in transport capacity public allowed. These are the measures to limit contagions by Covid-19 that the government is evaluating at this time with the governors and on which yesterday it requested the opinion of the Scientific Technical Committee. The objective is to reach a univocal line throughout the territory expressed in the new Dpcm – which will confirm the obligation to wear a mask indoors and outdoors – provided that the Regions where the contagion rate is higher can issue new restrictive measures. With a declared intention: to leave schools open and not intervene in production activities, without imposing new restrictions on shops, hairdressers and beauty centers. The executive line points to a hardening of the activities considered not essential, precisely so as not to affect work and teaching.

The curfew

Limiting the movement of citizens divides the government and in the end it seems excluded from being foreseen in the new Dpcm. In fact, the prohibition to park in front of public places after 9:00 p.m. is still in force and is currently considered sufficient to avoid meetings. A possible restriction would include the possibility of leaving after the time allowed only for proven needs, for both work or urgent reasons, with self-certification.

Bars and restaurants

Currently the closure is scheduled at midnight. The discussion of this schedule aims to bring it forward to 23 or 22. A measure that – as has been supported by the trade unions – would strongly penalize activities. In fact, such a tight schedule would force managers to ensure the presence of kitchen and dining staff in the face of lower income. The decree could also include a limitation of 6 seats per table. The CTS has asked for greater controls on the observance of the protocols with spacing and the obligation of a mask when not sitting at the table. With immediate closure of those places that violate the rules. The current Dpcm forces to close at 9:00 p.m. in places where table consumption is not planned. Instead, it allows home delivery.


Futsal, basketball and other contact sports are now prohibited at the amateur level and, with the new decree, the measure will also affect amateur clubs and associations, including schools for children and adolescents. In recent days, some clubs have tried to join Coni-affiliated fan organizations to circumvent the restrictions. And so it was decided to impose a grip on everyone.


Even in this sector a final decision has not yet been made. Among the questions that Health Minister Roberto Speranza asked the CTS is the closure of gyms and swimming pools and whether strict compliance with the guidelines is enough, at least for now, to allow activities to take place.

Smart work

The decision made: 75% of workers will have to stay in smart work. A measure that aims to limit contacts within offices, but also to reduce presences in public transport. This is a measure that concerns public employees, but it can also be adopted in the private sector with specific agreements. The CTS issued a favorable opinion and the governors also gave their consent.

The school

The government excludes school closings and appears determined to reject a proposal by some governors to impose distance education for high school students. In a line that coincides with the CTS, experts are convinced that the risk of contagion is greater if children are around than at school. For this reason, consideration is being given to staggering the entrances with entry for high school students at 11.

Bus and metro

According to the CTS, an important criticism is represented by local public transport that does not seem to have adapted to the renewed needs and for this reason it is requested to promote a different mobility with the active involvement of local institutions and mobility managers. Before limiting the capacity of buses and the subway in a heavier way than the 80% expected, the government now wants to see the effects of improved smart work and staggering entrances to schools. The final decision will be made today.

October 18, 2020 (change October 18, 2020 | 07:08)

