Coronavirus infections are falling again: in the last 24 hours, 978 new cases have been registered, 18 less than on Monday. Eight victims, two more than ever on Monday. The number of tampons made increased: 81,050, compared to 58,518 the day before. These are the figures from the Ministry of Health. The total number of cases amounted to 270,189 (+975). The dead have become 35,491.
Intensive therapies exceed 100 – The number of patients admitted to positive intensive care for Covid is more than 100: they are 107, 13 more than yesterday. There are 1,380 hospitalized patients with symptoms, an increase of almost a hundred in the last 24 hours. Also on people in home isolation (25,267) and on the total number of positives currently (26,754). These are the figures from the Ministry of Health. Discharged and healed became 207,944 (almost 300 more). Lombardy (21) and Sicily (10) are the regions with the highest number of patients in intensive care.
In the summer months, deaths in northern Italian cities decrease. The data show “a decreasing trend in global mortality, which goes from a significant excess equal to + 11% in May, to a value lower than expected in July (-4%) among northern cities”. While the numbers are in line with expectations in the center-south for June and July. This is what emerges from the report Daily mortality trend (SiSMG) in Italian cities in relation to the Covid-19 epidemic, relative to the period from May 6 to July 31, published by the Ministry of Health.
In Lombardy 242 new cases and 2 deaths – There are 242 new positive cases in Covid in Lombardy, where 16,200 smears were made. There are 2 deaths, leading to 16,867 victims of the pandemic in the region, while 110 people have been cured or discharged from hospitals, where intensive hospitalizations have been reduced by one unit. On the other hand, 17 more people are hospitalized in other wards. Most of the new cases are in Milan: 114, of which 67 in the city. And then 43 in Brescia, 11 in Bergamo, 10 in Brianza and Pavia, 14 in Varese, 8 in Mantua, 7 in Como, 5 in Cremona, 2 in Lecco, 1 in Lodi, zero in Sondrio.
In Emilia-Romagna 99 cases and no deaths – The new positives of coronavirus in Emilia-Romagna have fallen, below 100. In more than 10,700 swabs, the daily increase is 99 cases, of which 45 are asymptomatic and more than half, 55, already isolated. There are 23 new infections linked to returns from abroad, 16 from other regions. The average age of positives today is 34 years. The highest number of cases is registered in the provinces of Modena (22), Bologna (20) and Ravenna (12) and Forlì (10). Active cases are 3,061 (+84 inches), people in isolation at home are 2,946 (+84), 95%. Patients in intensive care (9) and those hospitalized in other Covid wards remain stable (106). There are no deaths in the entire region, while 15 more are recovered.
In Campania 102 new cases, half are travelers – 102 new positive cases of Covid 19 have been detected in Campania, out of a total of 5,837 swabs: half of the infections, 51, correspond to travelers (19 returning from Sardinia, 32 from foreign countries). Therefore, the downward trend is confirmed with respect to the peak (270 cases of 6,882 swabs) registered last Sunday, linked to the high number of controls in force on returns and their contacts. The data released by the Crisis Unit of the Region, updated at midnight on Monday, August 31, also indicates one victim (the total amounts to 446) and 18 recovered (total 4,430).
In Sardinia 50 new infections, 6 in intensive care – There are 50 new Covid-19 infections in Sardinia in the last 24 hours, out of 1,749 swabs performed, with two more patients hospitalized in intensive care (6 in total). This was reported in the latest update of the regional crisis unit. The total number of positive cases confirmed since the beginning of the emergency amounts to 2,243. Of the 50 new cases, 44 were detected by screening (most of them after following up with contacts of previously verified positive cases) and 6 due to suspected diagnosis. The number of victims remains unchanged at 134. A total of 137,366 swabs were performed, an increase of 1,749 tests compared to the last update. On the other hand, 31 patients are hospitalized (+3 compared to yesterday’s figure). There are 800 people in home isolation. The progressive number of positive cases includes 1,268 recovered patients (+2 compared to the previous bulletin), plus another 4 recovered clinically. In the territory, of the 2,243 positive cases verified in total, 406 (+5) were detected in the metropolitan city of Cagliari, 232 (+4) in southern Sardinia, 67 (+1) in Oristano, 160 (+15) ) in Nuoro, 1,378 (+25) in the province of Sassari.
The positives in Calabria rise again, +22 – The positivity for the coronavirus has grown again in Calabria. Since the last tests, cases have increased by 22 (yesterday they were +14), bringing the total since the start of the pandemic to 1,513 compared to 155,296 swabs made to date. The current positives are 301, of which 22 (+1) hospitalized in infectious disease wards, 149 (+1) in home isolation and 130 (+19) from another Region or Foreign State. The healed people are 1,115 (+1), 97 victims, this is what can be deduced from the newsletter of the Calabria Region. Territorially, the total positive cases are distributed to: Catanzaro 9 in the ward; 8 in home isolation; 186 recovered; 33 deceased. Cosenza 9 in the pavilion; 42 in home isolation; 446 recovered; 34 deceased. Reggio Calabria 3 in the room; 81 in home isolation; 285 cured; 19 deceased. Crotone 1 in the room; 10 in home isolation; 116 healed; 6 deceased. Vibo Valentia 8 in home isolation; 82 recovered; 5 deceased. Of the nine patients admitted to the Cosenza Infectious Diseases ward, four are non-residents. Of the 20 cases intercepted in Cosenza, 16 are attributable to the migrant reception center in Rende, two are attributable to known outbreaks. The case reported today by the Lamezia Terme Laboratory, of low viremic disease, is attributable to the outbreak generated by Sardinia. The patient detected by the Catanzaro hospital is attributable to the CARA of Crotone. Since the last survey, a total of 2,755 people have registered on the Calabria Region portal to communicate their presence in the regional territory. (HANDLE).