Coronavirus, new CLAMOROSO Dpcm: all stores closed at 6pm and on Sundays!


In these hours, the Government is evaluating new measures to be implemented to counteract the spread of the coronavirus in Italy. While the Government is discussing with local authorities, a draft of the Dpcm establishes that as of October 26, 2020, the activities of catering services (including bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, pastry shops) Am suspended on sunday ei Holidays; On other days, the aforementioned activities are allowed from 5:00 to 18:00. Catering in hotels and other accommodation facilities is still allowed without a time limit “limited to your customers“. The “The provisions of the decree will be applicable from the date of October 25, 2020, replacing those of the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of October 13 ”.

Click here to download the draft of the new Dpcm of October 24

The text is not final, they may still be there. substantial changes. The truth is that, if confirmed, this measure would cut in any case an important part of the activity of restaurant services, which from 6:00 p.m., with most of the restaurants that, for example, would open precisely in that time slot. In addition, consumption at the table is allowed for a maximum of four people per table, unless they all live together. After 6 pm it is forbidden to consume food and beverages in public places open to the public.

It is no longer a prohibition, as it was for the closure in the spring, but “It is strongly recommended to all natural persons in do not move, by public or private means of transport, to a municipality other than the one of residence, domicile or domicile, except a proven need for work or study, for health reasons, for situations of need or to carry out activities or use services that are not suspended and not available in that municipality ”. Suspended gambling halls, betting halls and bingo halls and casino activities. They are also shows open to the public suspended in theaters, concert halls, cinemas and other spaces, even outdoors. Parties are prohibited indoors and outdoors, including those resulting from civil and religious ceremonies. “The holding of public events is allowed only statically, provided that the prescribed social distances and other containment measures are respected during them.“.

With respect to particular houses, it is strongly recommended not to receive people who are not partners, except for proven work needs or situations of need and urgency. Festivals, fairs and other similar events are prohibited. The use of respiratory protection devices is strongly recommended even in private homes in the presence of people who do not live together. It is mandatory to maintain an interpersonal safety distance of at least one meter.

am suspension of sporting events and competitions of all orders and disciplines, carried out anywhere, both public and private; Sporting events and competitions, as well as training sessions of competitive athletes, related to individual and team sports, are still allowed, recognized by the Italian National Olympic Committee (Coni), the Italian Paralympic Committee (Cip) and the respective federations national sports. or organized by international sports organizations within sports facilities used behind closed doors, or outdoors without the presence of the public, in compliance with the protocols issued by the respective national sports federations“. am suspended the activities of gyms, swimming pools, swimming centers, wellness centers, spas, Except for the provision of services included in the essential care levels, as well as cultural, social and recreational centers. Without prejudice to the suspension of the activities of swimming pools and gyms, it is read in the draft, the basic sports activity and the attivita ‘motoria’ in gender carried out in public and private sports centers and clubs, are allowed in compliance with social distancing and without any meeting, in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Office of Sport, after consulting the Italian Sports Medical Federation.

The streets or squares of urban centers, where meeting situations can be created, can be organized closure to the public, after 9:00 p.m., without prejudice to the possibility of access and exit to legitimate businesses and private homes “. “Understanding that the didactic and educational activity for the first cycle of education and for educational services for children continues to be developed in presence, to counteract the spread of the infection, subject to communication to the Ministry of Education by the authorities. regional, local or assistance situations of critical situations and of particular risk referred to specific territorial contexts, second grade secondary institutions Adopt flexible forms in the organization of teaching activities, increasing the use of integrated digital teaching, for a participation equal to 75% of the activities, modulating even more the management of the entry and exit times of the students, also through the possible use of afternoon shifts and provided that the entry does not take place before 9 o’clock tomorrow in no case. In order to guarantee the proportionality and adequacy of the measures adopted: still read – The periodic realization of the regional and local coordination meetings provided for in the Planning Document of school, educational and training activities in all institutions of the National Education System for the 2020/2021 school year (the so-called “School Plan” ). Specific training courses in general medicine are allowed, as well as didactic-training activities of the training institutes of the Ministries of the Interior, Defense, Economy and Finance and Justice. In any case, the courses for doctors in specialized training and the activities of the scholarship holders in the medical and health professions can continue even in a remote mode. am educational trips, exchange or twinning initiatives, guided visits and suspended educational outings as it is called, programmed by educational institutions of all types and levels, without prejudice to the activities inherent to the paths of transversal competences and orientation ”.

am suspended theme park and amusement activities; Children and adolescents are allowed access to places intended for recreational, recreational and educational activities, even non-formal, indoor or outdoor, with the help of operators to entrust them in custody and with the obligation to adopt certain security protocols prepared in accordance with the guidelines of the Department of Family Policies. Public access to parks, villas and public gardens is subject to strict compliance with the prohibition of assembly according to art. 1, paragraph 8, first sentence, of the decree-law of May 16, 2020, n. 33, as well as an interpersonal safety distance of at least one meter; Minors are allowed access, even together with family members or other people who habitually live together or who are in charge of caring for them, to play areas in parks, villas and public gardens, to carry out recreational or recreational activities outdoors in compliance with the lines. guide of the Department of Family Policies “.

ME’ Allowed to carry out sports or physical activity outdoors, even in conditioned areas and public parks, when accessible, provided that in any case the interpersonal safety distance of at least two meters for sports activities and of at least one meter for any other activity is complied with, unless the presence is required of a companion for minors or persons who are not completely self-sufficient“.

The access of family members and visitors to hospitality and long-term hospitalization facilities, nursing homes (Rsa), hospices, rehabilitation facilities and residential facilities for the elderly, self-sufficient and not, is limited only to cases indicated by the management sanitary facility. who must take the necessary measures to prevent a possible transmission of the infection.

“The public administrations foresee a differentiation of the entry times of the personnel, without prejudice to the health and socio-health personnel, as well as those who carry out activities related to the emergency or essential public services. Private employers also recommend differentiating staff entry times.

The opening service to the public of museums and other institutes and places of culture“Is secured”provided that said institutions and places, taking into account the size and characteristics of the premises open to the public, as well as the flow of visitors (more or less than 100,000 per year), guarantee limited use modalities or in any case avoid meetings of people and allow visitors to respect the distance between them of at least one meter“.

am discontinued, we read, the public and private bankruptcy procedures, with the exception of the cases in which the evaluation of the candidates is carried out exclusively in a curricular and / or electronic way ”. The suspension does not include those of health and civil protection personnel. Hello too “ongoing procedures and those for which there are specific organizational protocols validated by the Technical Scientific Committee“.

The Dpcm instead dates back to some days agoBut now the government is preparing to launch new measures. It seems to have gone back in time, to the month of March in particular, in which the Prime Minister’s decrees were repeated a few days apart. At that time, this way of acting could be justified (to some extent) by not being prepared for an epidemic that was bringing the country to its knees. But now? In no other country do these things happen, with new measures launched a few days later. We believed that the terrible experience of last spring had taught the government to handle the emergency a little better, also from the point of view of the measures to be taken, instead we are back at the top. Waiting overnight for a new Dpcm, new rules, new restrictions, as if we were chasing the epidemic, instead of trying to predict it.

Coronavirus, 151 deaths and 19,644 positives in Italy today: 500 thousand total cases exceeded, all DATA Region by Region
