In Italy there are another 21,261 cases of coronavirus with 359,214 swabs and 376 victims in the last 24 hours. The positivity rate was 5.9%. Graduates / cured patients grew by +21,311 units, while the balance between entries and exits in intensive care units was positive in 10 units (234 daily admissions).
Tuscany, another 1,473 positives and 22 deaths
In Tuscany there are 1,473 more positives than yesterday (1,434 confirmed by molecular swab and 39 by rapid antigen test). Since the beginning of the epidemic, there have been 200,118 cases of coronavirus positivity. New cases are 0.7% more than the total of the previous day. The average age of 1,473 new positives today is approximately 46 years (15% are under 20, 22% between 20 and 39, 37% between 40 and 59, 19% between 60 and 79 years old, 7% are 80 years or older). Cured patients grew 0.9% and reached 165,981 (82.9% of all cases). Today, 17,015 molecular swabs and 13,333 rapid antigenic swabs were performed, of which 4.9% were positive. On the other hand, 10,300 subjects were analyzed today (with antigenic and / or molecular swab, excluding control swabs), of which 14.3% were positive. Today’s positives are 28,709, + 0.1% compared to yesterday.
People hospitalized in beds dedicated to Covid patients today are a total of 1,881 (20 more than yesterday, plus 1.1%), 278 in intensive care (4 more than yesterday, plus 1.5%). Today there are 22 new deaths: 15 men and 7 women with an average age of 80.6 years. Regarding the province of residence, the deceased are: 3 in Florence, 4 in Prato, 2 in Pistoia, 6 in Lucca, 1 in Pisa, 1 in Livorno, 1 in Arezzo, 4 in Grosseto. Some of the deaths reported to regional offices in the last 24 hours refer to deaths that occurred in the previous days. These are the data – verified at 12 noon today based on requests from the National Civil Protection – regarding the advance of the epidemic in the region.
Veneto, 1,563 new infections and 32 deaths
There are 1,563 new cases of coronavirus contagion in Veneto in the last 24 hours. This was reported by the Region’s bulletin this morning. The total number of infections since the start of the pandemic is 387,601. The current positives are 37,503. There are 32 deaths, for a total of 10,714. 1,652 patients are admitted to ordinary wards, 279 fewer than yesterday; there are 286 patients in the intensive care unit (-13).
Basilicata, 99 other infections
Ninety-nine of the 1,693 swabs examined in the last 24 hours in Basilicata were positive: this was announced by the regional working group, specifying that only 93 of the positive swabs belong to people residing in the region. The bulletin also reports that there have been two other deaths (in total, there are 436 since the start of the emergency) and 62 recoveries (in total, they have reached 14,214). Covid-positive Lucanians are currently 4,735, of which 4,548 are in home isolation. There are 187 hospitalized in the hospitals of Potenza and Matera (yesterday there were 190): 12 are treated in intensive care (four in Potenza and eight in Matera). Since the start of the health emergency, 285,424 swabs have been tested in Basilicata: 263,006 were negative.