Coronavirus, most recent data: 1,912 infections, 20 victims, 107,269 swabs


The numbers of the pandemic

Buffers / positives ratio at 56.1 (yesterday 60.5)

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Outdoor masks are also required 24 hours a day in the historic center of Genoa, due to a possible coronavirus cluster. Genoa September 24, 2020. (ANSA / LUCA ZENNARO)

Buffers / positives ratio at 56.1 (yesterday 60.5)

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There are 1,912 new infections in Italy, of the 107,269 swabs performed; Therefore, the buffer / positive ratio worsens slightly, today at 56.1 (yesterday at 60.5). Deaths have increased by 20 compared to yesterday, for a total of 35,801. There is a slight decrease in intensive care admissions: 244 today, 2 less than yesterday, while hospital admissions have increased by 6: 2,737. 44,737 people are currently in home isolation (yesterday 43,803). The total of current positives is 47,718, yesterday 46,780. The total number of cases since the beginning of the epidemic is 306,235. The region with the most infections in the last 24 hours is Lombardy, 277, followed by Campania (253) and Lazio (230), the only three regions with a current number of infections greater than 200. No region is free of new infections in the 24 hours; the minimum is in Valle d’Aosta (1).

In Lombardy 277 positive, hospitalizations fall

The region most affected by new infections is Lombardy: in fact, there are 277 new positive cases, of which 55 ‘weak positive’ and 8 after serological tests, according to data published by the Region, in a series of 20,431 swabs performed. This figure corresponds to 1.3% of the tests carried out. There was a decrease in hospitalizations both in intensive care 30 (-1) and in ward, 300 (-3). Two deaths of positive people were registered, bringing the total in the region to 16,937. On the other hand, 152 more are cured / discharged for a total of 79,624, of which 1,508 discharged and 78,116 recovered. The highest figure among the provinces is that of Milan: 192, of which 104 in the city of Milan.



Leap contagions in Abruzzo, +51 in the last hours

Jump in coronavirus infections in Abruzzo: 51 new cases confirmed with tests in the last hours. From cities to villages, from the coast to the interior, they refer to the entire regional territory: 20 correspond to the province of Teramo, eleven to that of Pescara, ten to Aquila and eight to Chietino, while controls are carried out for two of provenances. . The youngest patient is 2 years old, the oldest 93. There are no recent deaths: the death toll is still 477. Intensive care is increasing. Among the new cases there are seven in Pescara, four in Roccacasale, a town in the Aquila area where 650 people live, including Colonnella, Giulianova and Martinsicuro (Teramo) and as many in Rocca Santa Maria, a town of 500 inhabitants in the mountains of Teramo. where numerous infections had already been registered, two in Roseto degli Abruzzi, in Bellante (Teramo) and in Vasto (Chieti). The positives currently, 47 more than yesterday, amount to 817: 58 patients (+8) are hospitalized in non-intensive care and 5 (+1) in intensive care, while the other 754 (+38) are in Home Isolation with surveillance active by ASL. Those healed are 3,023 (+4). The total number of cases in Abruzzo reaches 4,317: 616 are residents or domiciled in the province of L’Aquila, 1,019 in the province of Chieti, 1,838 in the province of Pescara, 808 in the province of Teramo, 33 outside the region and three for which the origin is being investigated. A total of 192,553 tests (+1,626) have been carried out since the start of the emergency.



In Campania 253 positive in 24 hours, two died

In 24 hours 253 positives in 7,579 swabs, two deaths: these are the data from today’s bulletin of the Regional Crisis Unit for the implementation of measures for the prevention and management of the epidemiological emergency of Covid-19 in Campania. The total of positives is 11,355 units; the one for swabs is 566,837. The healed for the day are 150.

In Lazio stable cases (230) with more swabs and 2 deaths

Of the more than 11 thousand tampons today in Lazio, 230 cases are registered of these 113 are in Rome and two deaths. The same figure as yesterday, therefore, underline from the control room of the Region, despite an increase in the number of tampons. The data decrease in Rome and increase slightly in the provinces. In schools there are currently unique cases with extracurricular links, especially linked to recreational activities and coexistence, which shows that the necessary measures are being adopted mainly in schools but they must also be replicated outside of school contexts.
