Coronavirus, more than 770 new infections in Tuscany. Death 45 people


Almost eight hundred more infections in the last 24 hours in Tuscany. There are 104,875 cases of Coronavirus positivity in total, to be precise 776 more than yesterday (421 identified in the course of tracing and 355 from detection activities). New cases are 0.7% more than the total of the previous day. The average age of the 776 cases at present is around 48 years (15% are under 20, 19% between 20 and 39, 36% between 40 and 59, 19% between 60 and 79, 11% have 80 years or older).

Those cured grew 5.6% and reached 64,632 (61.6% of all cases). The swabs made reached 1,591,558, 13,549 more than yesterday, of which 5.7% were positive. On the other hand, 4,461 subjects evaluated today (excluding control swabs), of which 17.4% were positive. To these are added the 3,911 rapid antigenic swabs that are currently being made. The current positives are 37,525 today, -6.7% compared to yesterday. There are 1,785 hospitalized (45 less than yesterday), of which 271 in intensive care (4 more).

The deaths

Today they register 45 new kills: 25 men and 20 women with a mean age of 81.6 years. Regarding the province of residence, the deceased are: 21 in Florence, 7 in Prato, 2 in Pistoia, 2 in Massa Carrara, 4 in Pisa, 7 in Livorno, 2 in Arezzo.

Some of the deaths reported to regional offices in the last 24 hours refer to deaths in recent weeks.

Data province by province

These are the data – verified at 12 noon today based on requests from the National Civil Protection – related to the advance of the epidemic in the region.

It should be remembered that as of 06/24/2020, the Ministry of Health changed the data collection system on the spread of Covid-19. Positive cases are no longer indicated by province of notification, but by province of residence or domicile.

The following are the cases of positivity in the area with the change from yesterday. There are 29,436 cases in total to date in Florence (234 more than yesterday), 9,224 in Prato (91 more), 9,206 in Pistoia (108 more), 6,585 in Massa (27 more), 10,548 in Lucca (68 more), 14,492 in Pisa (96 more), 7,332 in Livorno (41 more), 9,569 a Arezzo (38 more), 4,241 in Siena (36 more), 3,687 in Grosseto (37 more). 555 positive cases were reported in Tuscany, but residing in other regions.
There are 433, therefore, the cases found today in the ASL Center (sum of the provinces of Florence, Prato, Pistoia), 232 in the Northwest (Massa Carrara, Lucca, Pisa, Livorno), 111 in the Southeast (Arezzo, Siena, Grosseto).

Tuscany ranks ninth in Italy in terms of the number of cases (including residents and non-residents), with around 2,812 cases per 100,000 inhabitants (the Italian average is 2,685 x 100,000, yesterday’s figure). The provinces with the highest notification rate are Prato with 3,579 cases x 100,000 inhabitants, Pisa with 3,458, Massa Carrara with 3,379, and the lowest Siena with 1,587.

Home isolation and hospitalization

In total, 35,740 people are isolated at home, since they have mild symptoms, do not require hospital care or do not have symptoms (2,631 less than yesterday, less 6.9%). There are 36,020 (963 less than yesterday, less 2.6%) people, also isolated, in active surveillance, because they have had contact with infected people (Asl Centro 12,326, Northwest 16,899, Southeast 6,795).

The people hospitalized in the beds dedicated to Covid patients today are a total of 1,785 (45 less than yesterday, less 2.5%), 271 in intensive care (4 more than yesterday, more 1.5%).

The total number of people cured is 64,632 (3,407 more than yesterday, plus 5.6%): 518 people clinically cured (174 fewer than yesterday, minus 25.1%), that is, they were asymptomatic after presenting clinical manifestations associated with infection and 64,114 (3,581 more than yesterday, plus 5.9%) declared cured in all aspects, the so-called viral cures, with negative swab.

2,718 have died since the beginning of the epidemic as follows: 990 in Florence, 180 in Prato, 206 in Pistoia, 311 in Massa Carrara, 256 in Lucca, 286 in Pisa, 191 in Livorno, 132 in Arezzo, 79 in Siena , 62 in Grosseto, 25 people died on Tuscan soil but were residents outside the region.

Tuscany’s crude death rate (number of deaths / resident population) for Covid-19 is 72.9 x 100,000 residents versus 93.4 x 100,000 for the Italian average (10th region). Regarding the provinces, the highest mortality rate is found in Massa Carrara (159.6 x100,000), Florence (97.9 x100,000) and Pistoia (70.4 x100,000), the lowest in Grosseto (28.0 x 100,000).
