The information communicated by the Civil Protection on this Easter Monday is unfortunately not as good as Easter. In addition to the number of victims, which unfortunately increases again after 431 deaths yesterday, the number of people hospitalized with symptoms is also growing again (28,023, 176 more than yesterday).

In reproduction ….
Fortunately, the decline in the most severe hospitalized patients, intensive care patients, continues: 3,260 people, 83 fewer than yesterday. A steadily falling value, a good indicator that the peak has been reached but not exceeded.
The increase in patients (that is, currently positive people) was 1363 units (yesterday had been 1984), while the new infections detected in the last 24 hours were 3,153 (yesterday 4,092). This decrease, however, is not particularly significant, because these two data are closely related to the number of swabs made that today were ten thousand fewer, or 36,717 (yesterday 46,720).
The ratio of swabs made to identified cases is 1 patient for every 11.6 swabs made, 8.6%, a stable value per day.
The total number of people who have contracted the virus since the outbreak has been 159,516.
The healed reached 35435, for an increase of 2424 in 24 hours (1677 people were declared healed yesterday).
Cts: still in phase 1, the dead are from past infections
“We are still in phase one, no question. There are positive signs, but the number of deaths is still high because it can be attributed to past infections. The numbers are slowly decreasing because they refer to infections.” This is the explanation of Giovanni Rezza of the Higher Institute of Health and member of the Technical-Scientific Committee at the press conference on Civil Protection. “The time that passes between the moment
of the infection and the data notification time, that is, today, can last up to 20 days, so if you read that ‘there are 300 new infections today’, they are actually new cases, therefore, they acquired the infections ago 20 days “Rezza added.” What you see today is something that in terms of infection is attributable to days ago, this is important to fully understand the meaning of the data. ”
Cts: the drop in deaths will be the last effect of the measures
The effects of the containment measures of the coronavirus epidemic are also observed in the number of deaths, but this “will be the last indicator to decrease because the time between infection and death is longer than infection and detection, notification , of contagion “, explained Professor Gianni Rezza. Rezza has made it clear that this difference “explains why we have a slower trend in decreasing the number of deaths, even if we have dropped a lot compared to the thousands of a few days ago. There are always many of the 500 that we now register on average, but they are not a thousand and more then. ” The time from contagion to notification is currently around 20 days, while the time from contagion to death “could also be a greater number of days. Now with the increase in swabs performed, the time may be reduced.”
Cts: we will not reach zero infections
“We won’t get to zero infections.” Giovanni Rezza said it and added that “the virus unfortunately will not stop its circulation. In Wuhan they have managed to take incredible measures but now they have a return effect. There is a tendency for us to decrease. But the virus will continue to circulate.” and we have to put patches on all the time. “” So we have to be very prepared in phase two, Rezza added. Whenever there are new outbreaks, we must be very ready to block and contain them. Surveillance must be strengthened in the territory, there must be applications, but also men who make tampons. “Regarding the evolution of numbers and cases, he specified:” We have had an increase in cases, not a peak. Then a decrease thanks to the interventions; otherwise, the curve would have continued to grow. Now the new cases are less than those a week ago, but we have an undulating trend because it depends on whether swabs or more notifications are made someday. ”
Cts: the Pomezia vaccine is a promising candidate
“He is a promising candidate.” Then, referring to the vaccine being studied in Pomezia, Giovanni Rezza, from the Higher Institute of Health and member of the Technical-Scientific Committee, answered a question at the press conference on Civil Protection. Rezza recalled that the investigation is underway in collaboration with Oxford. It is “a vector vaccine, that is, it has a vector that does not replicate in humans, it is a monkey, which expresses the coronavirus surface protein, which is produced by Oxford. Therefore, it is a vaccine that uses a platform already used for Ebola. ” the advantage would be to be able to speed up the times even more by compressing the phases “.
Borrelli, Tamponi? Without preferential lane
For the execution of the pads “I don’t think there are preferential lanes, I exclude that there are privileged categories”. At a press conference on civil protection, Coronavirus Emergency Commissioner Angelo Borrelli answers a question about the case of Dr. Edoardo Valli, who died in Covid after reporting that he waited in vain for the swab. “Initially there were difficulties, Borrelli admitted, but now we are at a very high average of more than 50,000 tampons per day. Tampons are made according to WHO rules, for those who need them.” direct knowledge, therefore I cannot pronounce myself. ”
Borrelli: reopening? The hypotheses are premature.
“At the moment, any hypothesis is premature.” Then, the head of Civil Protection, Angelo Borrelli, answered a question about the possible reopening of some production chains in the coming weeks. “The working group is working on a report, he said, and the political decision maker will do an evaluation.”
Borrelli: the nurses left with a negative test
“All the nurses in the Piedmont task force have undergone the coronavirus test: only those who gave negative results left, no one left without knowing the result. Two of the nurses, one positive and the other test uncertain, they didn’t leave. ” This was said by Angelo Borrelli, coronavirus emergency commissioner, about the news spread in the last hours. “It was the Region, stressed Borrelli, who chose to wait for precautionary reasons.”
Rezza: I agree with Locatelli, the schools in September
Caution is needed, “the virus is circulating,” therefore “it is clear that I can only agree with Professor Locatelli at the reopening of schools in September,” observed Professor Gianni Rezza of the Higher Institute of Health. Regarding phase 2 of this emergency, Rezza emphasized that “the country cannot withstand a blockade that exceeds two months” and, therefore, some containment and preventive measures in some sectors, such as transport and other activities which means the presence of many people together, they will have to be adopted and we will have to live with them.
Rezza (Cts): It would not give the go-ahead to the resumption of football
“We are in May and … in summary, I would not be in favor of the resumption of the” soccer “championship,” however, it depends on the policy to decide. “This was stated by Professor Gianni Rezza, from the Higher Institute of Health and Member of the Technical-Scientific Committee Rezza, speaking at the daily press briefing by the head of Civil Protection, Angelo Borrelli, spoke of “personal opinion, but which I think can be shared on CTS”.
He also emphasized that “contact sports may have some risk of transmission.”