Coronavirus, Minister Speranza presents the new Dpcm


In the morning, the owner of the Salute presented the decree that confirms all the anti-contagion measures planned so far, with the extension of the state of emergency to January 31. “The gatherings are a real risk – explained the minister – We will increase controls.” No squeeze for bars, restaurants and clubs

The essential measures are confirmed, but with a first strengthening dictated by the increase in infections: masks become mandatory even outdoors. This is the main novelty of the new dpcm on measures to face the coronavirus, presented by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza to the Chamber (ALL MEASURES). In addition to the masks, there are also two other fundamental rules, Speranza explained: distancing and prohibiting meetings, but with strengthening controls, and hand washing. There are no new restrictions on commercial and economic activities: therefore, no “curfew” that foresees reduced hours for bars and restaurants falls under the dpcm. It was also confirmed that The state of emergency will last until January 31, 2021. The decree must have a duration of 30 days. After the House of Hope, she also reported to the Senate (CORONAVIRUS: LIVE UPDATESTHE SPECIAL ONE).

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Speranza, explaining the content of the new dpcm to the Senate, said: “I think that the confrontation with Parliament is very important, it can only do it well and enrich democracies and help us with the measures that we must implement.”

“Right to extend the state of emergency until January 31”

In his speech to the Senate, Speranza said that “the results are achieved every day and that is why the line must be that of prudence, that is why I believe that the government’s election to extend the state of emergency until January 31 is correct . I believe that this act fully corresponds to the epidemiological phase that we are going through. The scaffolding we gave ourselves is a model that worked “

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The minister explained about the strengthening of some measures that “we are working to increase control levels because concentrations are a real risk that we cannot face. We must remember essential rules such as hand washing, in addition to the use of masks.”

“Italy is better than other countries but we must not fool ourselves”

Speranza stressed that in this second wave of infections “in all countries there is a change of course by reestablishing restrictive measures” and that “Italy is better and better withstanding this second wave”, but – reiterated the minister – we must not deceive ourselves and it would be wrong based on numbers to believe that we are out of it. “

“Low impact on schools for now”

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Minister Speranza also focused on the situation at the school: “I think it is still early for a definitive judgment on the country’s ability to maintain a low level of contagion in schools, but the first figures indicate a low impact and good resilience. “. , has declared. “There are cases and there will be in the coming weeks – Speranza emphasizes – but the protocols that we have identified at this moment are solid and if they are strictly followed they can allow us to manage the school game”.

“Premise of the health battle for the economic restart”

According to the Health Minister, “now we must raise our guard with the awareness that Italy is better than other EU countries” and “we must reconfirm our essential line: the battle for health is the premise for a restart, including an economic one, from the country, “Hope said.

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