Coronavirus, mini-confinement in Latina: bars and restaurants closed at midnight. Contingent festivals and ceremonies


As feared as expected, the mini-confinement in Latina has finally arrived. Given the boom in infections in the Pontino area, Governor Nicola Zingaretti signed an ordinance that for 14 days, from Aprilia to Garigliano, imposes a series of restrictions.

A provision that will take effect from midnight today and that provides for a quota of 20 people for religious festivals and ceremonies, the maximum number of 4 people per table for restaurants and discos and closing at midnight for pubs, bars and restaurants.

It is also forbidden to meet in front of schools, public places and offices and to stop visits to hospitalized patients in health or socio-health structures. Finally, the ordinance signed by the president of the Lazio Region establishes quotas for those who attend gyms and dance schools and invites people to encourage smart work.


Cluster at the Salvini electoral rally at the restaurant “Il Tordo” in Terracina, even the parliamentarian of the Northern League Zicchieri infected

The decision, transmitted on several occasions in recent days by the Councilor for Health Alessio D’Amato, was made taking into account that since October 4 in the province of Latina there has been an increase in cases equal to 155% and the request made yesterday to the same Region. of the Pontina ASL that, today, registered another 29 positives in Covid-19, 6 in Aprilia, 3 in Cisterna, one in Cori, one in Fondi, five in Latina, one in Pontinia, one in Sonnino, and eleven in Terracina .

“The president’s ordinance is a necessary measure to contain the virus figures that in the last week have registered a considerable increase in relation to the resident population. The measures required by the Local Health Authority and included in the ordinance are aimed at guaranteeing the quota and social distancing to avoid a further increase in cases, “said D’Amato himself.” We trust in a spirit of collaboration on the part of all interested parties and in the activation of the appropriate controls by the competent institutions.

It is essential, at this stage, to respect these rules, which do not want to be punitive in the least, but rather preventive to avoid greater and more severe limitations throughout the province ”, concluded the commissioner.

In the province of Latina, the infections after returning from vacation resumed this summer, in the last fifteen days the situation has precipitated. The ASL was forced to quickly reopen the Covid ward in the “Goretti” hospital and then expand it and also look for additional spaces in other departments. Every day in the different centers there are numerous classes that are in quarantine, due to infections within the schools.

And as if that were not enough, since Sunday the case of contagion broke out in the electoral demonstration in which Matteo Salvini participated on September 25 in Terracina, a story still largely to be clarified and for which the epidemiological investigation is underway , and yesterday that of the “Città di Aprilia” nursing home, semi-paralyzed after seven doctors and nurses tested positive, infections that had risen to fifteen this morning.


“The hospital has become a cluster”, ASL suspends Aprilia’s emergency room admissions

Finally, again in Latina, in addition to hospitalizations, contagions among the staff have resumed, in Aprilia but also in the Pontine capital.
hospital and now there are so many family groups that it is difficult for the health authorities to reconstruct the different contacts. A high-risk situation for which the mini-blockade was necessary and it will be necessary to see if the situation can normalize in two weeks.
