The German federal government will present the May 6th the plan for further recovery of schools, kindergartens and sport activities. This is what the bill presented today by the chancellor offers Angela Merkel after meeting with the prime ministers of 16 Länder of Germany. The new rules for containment of coronaviruses stipulate that museums, exhibitions, zoos and children’s parks can be reopened under certain conditions, respecting the distancing and hygiene measures. Religious celebrations are also allowed: in addition to ordinary Masses, religious celebrations can be celebrated in small groups baptisms, circumcisions, weddings and funerals. Instead, postpone possible openings for a week school and sport: the head of the Chancellery office, Helge Braun, now you will have to send proposals based on the recommendations of the different regional ministries. There is no green light from Merkel, therefore, on the resumption of the Bundesliga. Soccer authorities hoped to receive authorization to resume league games without fans. from May 9.
In Germany thecontagion rate The Covid-19 R0 has been updated to 0.75: the figure, mentioned yesterday, was communicated by the director of the Robert Koch Institute, Lothar Wieler. Despite this, restrictions on social distancing will “surely” extend until at least May 10, Braun explained. Just as, until at least May 3, I remain closed restaurants, with the exception of takeaway food and home delivery. In introducing the new rules, Merkel also made clear that they will be Prohibited everybody “big events“Until end of august. So, he specified, “there are no big sporting events, popular parties, concerts, festivals. They will have to be banned for a long time, “said the foreign minister. The virus” is a challenge for which it does not exist. a model“Merkel explained. Also for this reason, it was not intended to express another restriction, currently in force until June 14: the Travel abroad. At the moment, he did not want to expose himself to possible summer vacations in other European countries.
The new reopens – Germany must have a common goal, which is contain the epidemic, “To ensure that each patient has the possibility of the best treatments. We have been successful so far, “Merkel said in presenting the decisions on the relaxation of restrictive measures taken at the conference between the state and the Länder to the press.” Yes there will be relapses, must have signs of alert quickly recognize them, “he added. The federal government wants to reopen playgrounds: parents should make sure to avoid them overpopulation and that hygiene’s norm They are respected. The government also wants to allow religious services again, but only in small, distanced groups. According to the federal government, museums, exhibitions, monuments, zoos and botanical gardens can also reopen if hygiene and distance standards are respected. To this end, an initial financing program for ten million euros to adapt structures to anti-Covid standards.
The differences between Länder – So it’s still the usual differences regionally in Bavaria, the most affected land, the prime minister Markus Söder rejected hopes of a quick return to normal. In the future there will only be “normality with coronavirus, no other normality.” For this reason, Bavaria will follow a very prudent line, also with regard to the reopening of restaurants and playgrounds. Söder also made it clear that he did not want to facilitate some measures, such as opening schools. On the contrary in North Rhine Westphalia, the most populous country in the country, primary school students should go back to school already thereMay 11. The reopening of the “Grundschule” was communicated to the federal government during today’s video conference.
The Bundesliga problem Finally, Chancellor Merkel and the 16 prime ministers postponed the decision on the resumption of the Bundesliga. The soccer authorities expected to receive the authorization and were preparing to restart from May 9. Merkel, however, recalled that “we must do everything possible to guarantee that there is no regression” by containing the contagion. The Bundesliga was suspended on March 13 with nine days remaining. The leaders of the German ball had said they were sure they could finish the championship, but now they will have to wait at least on May 6 for a response.
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