Coronavirus, Marseille closes bars and restaurants. And France launches the “scarlet zone”


Bars and restaurants closed, from Monday, in Marseille, Aix-en Provence and Guadeloupe. the most serious and unexpected measure announced last night by the French Minister of Health, Olivier Vran. At a press conference that was postponed multiple times and aired just in time for the 8 p.m. news, the minister addressed the French with a solemn appeal to limit social interactions, in the public and private sphere: We must protect our hospitals. We need to protect our resuscitation services. We have to protect the French.

Faced with a spread of the virus that continues to worsen, the French government launches ua new cartography of France based on three criteria: the number of patients, the incidence rate for people over 65 years of age (those at highest risk) and hospitalizations in intensive care units. Next to the departments in the alert zone (or red, more than 50 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants) here are those that are in the enhanced alert zone (or super red) in which the health system begins to have difficulties, in the high alert area (or scarlet), with already serious consequences in the hospitals – said Vran -. the last stage before the proclamation of the state of health emergency.

Paris and the immediate suburbs fall into the reinforced alert zone, the metropolises of Lyon, Lille, Bordeaux and then Nice, Toulouse, Saint-Etienne, Rennes, Rouen, Grenoble, Montpellier and, abroad, Guadeloupe. In the capital and in the rest of the cities, these measures will be applied from Saturday: limitation of meetings to a maximum of 1000 people (until now there were 5000), prohibition of large events such as local or student parties, limit of 10 people in public or private space, bars closing at 22, gyms closing. Smart work should be privileged as much as possible, the minister insisted.

In accordance with the government’s line of adapting the measures to the specific conditions of the territory, announced Vran the exceptional measure to close bars and restaurants in the metropolis Marseille-Aix en Provence and in Guadeloupe, which are the areas of maximum alert. All public places will also be closed from Monday unless strict health checks can already be practiced. For now, museums, theaters and cinemas are not affected by the measures.

The minister struck a balancing act: not to terrorize citizens, but to make them understand that the situation is becoming worrying. President Macron does not want to resort to a new blockade This would bring an economy badly hit by the previous closure to its knees, and in recent days it has often found itself in disagreement with the Scientific Council and Minister Vran himself, supporters of a more radical line.

Therefore, Vran tried to comply with the will of Macron, who urges the French not to stop, and at the same time called them to the utmost vigilance. The Paris region is in tension, with a rapid increase in hospitalizations – said the minister -. If we do not act quickly, we run the risk of reaching a critical situation in the worst affected regions within a few weeks.. The reproduction rate of the virus exceeds 1, the positive tests have passed from 5 to 6% in a week, and out of every 100 patients with Covid, 19 are hospitalized in resuscitation.

September 23, 2020 (change September 23, 2020 | 23:09)

