
Ancona, November 9, 2020 – On the one hand, the Councilor for Health Filippo Saltamartini who spared no criticism from senior healthcare management: “We must Work more and better. “On the other hand, the president Francesco Acquaroli who wanted to reassure the same leaders convened on Sunday morning for a summit on the regional epidemiological situation. If confirmation of the differences in attitude about the handling of the epidemic within the regional council was needed, it arrived yesterday morning.
So much so that President Francesco Acquaroli wanted to prevent tensions from turning into a real confrontation: “Thanks to those facing a pandemic. The days are very intense and the weeks run fast. We saw each other again – he wrote – with the entire structure of the managers of the health authorities of the Region Meeting to evaluate the evolution of the epidemiological curve, take stock of the situation of the health facilities and establish the next steps to be taken together. A fruitful encounter – he said – in which a strong spirit of responsibility and collaboration was confirmed and where we decided to meet again periodically to better coordinate this difficult pandemic phase among all. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who for months have given the best of themselves in their respective roles to face the health emergency ”.
An indirect response to the repeated accusations of the councilor who is obviously not satisfied with the executive direction. To strengthen the health response, the regional council has also convened representatives of private health what asked to activate low intensity beds to be next to the hospitals of the Marche that, for now, do not have alarms about intensive care, but about the response to low intensity pandemic phenomena. In short, more doctors and nurses are needed in less severe cases, and thus private clinics will be asked to activate health responses. Executive Lucia Di Furia was given the mandate to contact private clinics about it.
On the other hand, the regional epidemiological evaluation confirms that the peak seems to have been reached now and the number of infections (around 500-600 new positives per week) is now almost stabilized. So much so that the Rt index has fallen to 1.29% after the 1.45% ceiling of the week of October 5 to 11. In spring it would have been said that the curve has now reached a plateau, albeit high, and could almost stop if the reductions in the movement between curfews and the closure of bars and restaurants come into force: “In recent weeks – they wrote from the Region- the The distribution of the impact of the epidemic registered a flattening of the variability of growth and an almost uniform distribution of risk “. On the other hand it is difficult not to stress increasing the number of admissions in general and deceased (seven more in the last 24 hours) that reached 1,057 cases. So much so that Commissioner Saltamartini reiterated that the management structure had not prepared him for this situation and the seriousness of the data. The announced absence of the vice president Mirco carloni prevented the meeting from becoming a true internal political confrontation.
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