“Quarantine journal, day 14”. With a video on Instagram that bears this caption, singer Madonna, 61, announces to everyone, in front of a typewriter, that she has been infected by the Coronavirus. All while he seems to be writing a letter. “I did a test the other day and found that I had developed the virus’s antibodies,” said the star, who does not elaborate on his health situation. It is unclear whether she was ill, had mild symptoms, or was positively asymptomatic. However, it is known that he will be quarantined on March 16 in California with his children. In addition, in recent days he was concerned about making a donation of a million dollars for the emergency.
“I am immune”
His other words refer to the desire for freedom of those who seem to have passed the critical moment and are now doing well. And then Madonna, who is convinced that she came out of the tunnel and has become immune, says: “Tomorrow (today, ed) I’m going to take a long trip, roll down the window, and breathe in the Covid-19 air. We hope there is a good sun. In the meantime, I’ll think about what to write and say. The star also talks about the fact that she has been writing a lot lately, in short, she wants to communicate. But then he retraces his steps and comments, “Because of the waste of words, people are not ready to listen.” Thousands of comments and likes from followers in the news, published 15 hours ago, on the night of April 30.
May 1, 2020 (change May 1, 2020 | 3:24 pm)