Coronavirus, Luca Zaia’s letter to the healed to take blood samples: “We store”


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Pending studies on the efficacy of plasma therapy, now tested in multiple hospitals and regions, including Veneto, President Luca Zaia has decided to write a letter to the healed to request a blood sample. “Serological testing is underway., a multicenter study started with the hospital of Padua and the San Matteo di Pavia. A letter will be sent to all those who have recovered from the Coronavirus to take blood samples. “The intention is to create one Blood bank which can supply plasma bags, naturally tested and “worked” if necessary. “Then an analysis must be made – specified Zaia – of the quality of the antibody response, because below a certain threshold no blood is needed. Everyone is asked to be available to set up this blood bank, we already have blood banks full of blood already collectedbut we want to do it on the mat to be ready for treatment. We have one of the three national laboratories authorized to draw blood: they work with the live virus and handle 10 bags per day, and we will increase shifts. We make a warehouse, because we don’t want to find in September that everything works and that the raw material is missing “he concluded.

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Coronavirus, plasma therapy: what it is and how it works. Test results ready soon. But the technique was devised in 1982.

Meanwhile, in Tuscany we are also thinking of a blood collection. “We have launched an appeal to all Tuscans who have just recovered from Covid 19, whether or not they are our donors: test for antibodies to donate plasma. It can save those like you who have been affected by the virus, “says Anpas Toscana President Dimitri Bettini with regional donation manager Patrizio Ugolini. Public assistance also collected the donation invitation received from the regional councilor for the right to health, Stefania Saccardi. Tuscany has started the therapy project in hyperimmune plasma to be applied in cases with respiratory distress due to coronavirus. In particular, the early use of hyperimmune plasma, used in patients not yet intubated, could play an important role. on reducing the risk of UCI transfer. The plasma donation could come asking for the collaboration of regular donors. The volunteers responded immediately to the mobilization, summoning their regular donors, giving way to a real word of mouth.

“From the plasma donation of the healed, said Dimitri Bettini, other patients will be treated with others who struggle with the same pathology. Three patients can be treated with a donation. Those who have been in the condition of confirmed positive non-hospitalized quarantines or paucisymptomatic in the home quarantine can donate plasma. To donate, you can contact your referral transfusion service. For information, contact the Regional Blood Center (3316364452) or the closest public assistance in the area where you live. “

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Waiting for the results of experimentation with plasma therapy, there are people like the professor. Giuseppe Remuzzi from the Mario Negri Institute asks for caution and at the same time be quick in case of positive results. “However, it seems important to me not to give illusions to the sick without giving them solutions first. If studies show the effectiveness of the technique we must organize ourselves to make it available to all those who can benefit from it. And this can be done through the national blood plan. In fact, we have a National Blood Center with a very good director who can organize a plasma collection of healed people. It is a very nice gesture because we find many willing to do it. And then spread must be guaranteed in all hospitals. Why would it be bad if a patient heard “we don’t do plasma therapy here”? That this does not work only in the places where the study was conducted. “

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