Coronavirus Lombardy, today 1844 new infections: in the city of Milan 504 positive for Covid


Data on coronavirus infections get significantly worse in Lombardy, and now high alert on Milan. New infections throughout the Region – already those most affected by the first wave of the pandemic – there are 1,884. Of these, 1,032 in the province of Milan: 504 only in the Lombard capital.

A rapidly rising epidemic curve emerges from the numbers. Of the 1,844 new positives, 189 are weakly positive and 13 were detected after serological testing. The healed / discharged are 865, which brings the total to 84,415, of which 1,522 were discharged and 82,893 recovered.

exist 2 new admissions to ICU, which brings the total to 64. If the 150 beds planned in the different poles were filled, the coordinator of the Crisis Unit of the Region Antonio Pesenti explained today, the Fiera di Milano hospital could be reopened. In Lombardy, as of October 11, the saturation rate for these crucial services was 5.6% (during the first wave it was 122%).

There are 645, 99 more inmates who are not in intensive care than yesterday.

me swabs done are 29,048: the positivity rate (new cases / swabs) of 6.3 percent.

me 17 are dead more for a total of 17,011.

New cases by province: Milan: 1,032, of which 504 in the city of Milan; Bergamo: 46; Brescia: 81; Like: 67; Cremone: 30; Lecco: 29; Praise: 23; Mantua: 42; Monza and Brianza: 150; Pavia: 101; Sondrio: 14; Varese: 110.

Disseminate the data of the Lombardy Region, which recalls: The increase in positive cases, in Lombardy as in other regions, should always be related to the number of swabs performed. Never forgetting that, if we think in terms of absolute comparisons, the number of inhabitants of Lombardy is equal to 1/6 of the national population. The Region highlights, in other words, how today’s positive rate (6.3%) is very similar to yesterday’s (6.2%).

Here the national bulletin. This is the map of contagion in Italy, here the updated table of cases in the world.

The massive tracking activity in just one day allowed to identify a very high number of positive cases (1,706 outcomes yesterday and 138 referring to previous days, but uploaded today by the laboratory network). More than half of the positives are registered in the province of Milan. Says the general director of Wellbeing of the Lombardy Region, Marco Trivelli. 92% of positives – explains Trivelli – have few or no symptoms. However, based on these absolute numbers, the patients admitted to the wards of our hospitals increase by 99 units, while the balance of patients in intensive care (64 in total) remains low (two more than yesterday) . Faced with these developments – underlines the general director – together with the general directors of Ats, Asst and Irccs of Lombardy, and with the representatives of the professional associations of accredited private hospitals, we are working to have a rapid increase in the availability of beds dedicated to patients with Covid, in line with the regional plan.

Article in update

October 14, 2020 | 16:03

